Paul Timothy 9. Important biblical and historical events
Apostolic gospel message. Church history.

Grow in Christ — Main menu — Love God and others

All studies on this page were revised Summer of 2017
View the contents of a study by clicking on Preview.
Studies are formatted US letter size. Re-format these for your own needs.
Images may be removed or replaced with those of your own choice.

Shepherds: Jesus was miraculously born as a human. Preview. Word. Pdf

Children:    We celebrate the birth of Jesus. Preview. Word. Pdf


Shepherds: Jesus' life-giving resurrection from death. Preview. Word. Pdf

Children:    Jesus rose from death and lives forever. Preview. Word. Pdf

Shepherds: History of Christianity: the first 400 years. Preview. Word. Pdf

Children:    The Kingdom of God keeps spreading. Preview. Word. Pdf


Shepherds: History of Christianity: Years 400 till 1600. Preview. Word. Pdf

Children:    We confess our sins to God. Preview. Word. Pdf

Shepherds: History of Christianity: Years 1600 till now. Preview. Word. Pdf

Children:    Martin Luther let people read the Bible.  Preview. Word. Pdf


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Grow in Christ — Main menu — Love God and others
