Mount Hermon, Bashan Range (Golan Heights)

A 12-session lecture and discussion course on
"Enoch, the Watchers, and the Forgotten Mission of Jesus Christ"

  Sequel to "Supernatural Realm" (18 sessions)

Go to
Sessions menuProtected folder

Based on the book

Order it on Amazon
If you own a copy, then you may also read it here: Protected folder
Free download

Thurdays, 07:30, Sept. 19 – Dec. 12, 2024
Sundays, 10:45, Sept. 22 – Dec. 15, 2024
Hosted by Powellhurst Baptist Church
S.E. 112th Avenue and Powell Boulevard, Portland, Oregon
Free admission, public welcome.

Sessions Menu

0 Course introduction (Sept. 19 & 22)
1 The Nephilim (Sept. 26 & 29)
2 The Watchers (Oct. 3 & 6)
3 The Apkallu (Oct. 10 & 13)
4 Jesus' Birth (Oct 17 & 20)
5 Jesus' geneology (Oct. 24 & 27)
  6Jesus' ministry (Oct. 31 & Nov. 3)
  7Human depravity (Nov. 7 & 10)
  8Women's covering (Nov. 14 & 17)
  9Christian baptism (Nov. 21 & 24)
  10The Antichrist (Nov. 28 & Dec. 1)
11 The Apocalypse (Dec. 5 & 8)
12 Conclusion (Dec. 12 & 15)

0 Course Introduction (Sept. 19 & 22)

Read 1 Enoch online here or here.
Or in our protected folder.
Read 1 Enoch in Greek here
Read 1 Enoch in Aramaic here
Read 1 Enoch in Ethiopic here
Lire 1 Hénoch en français ici
Free download

Class session:
Read or download Introduction document (3 pages)
Document Introduction en français
Download PowerPoint slides
  Video Introduction (Thur., Sept. 19, 50 min.)
Video Introduction (Sun., Sept. 22, 43 min.)
Audio only (.mp3, Sun., Sept. 22, 43 min.)

Reading assignment:
Reversing Hermon, pages 1-6.
Reversing Hermon book footnotes

"Hermon" in DDD (2 pages)
Appendix I: "1 Enoch in the early church" (pages 183-192).
Appendix II: "Dating 1 Enoch" (pages 193-196).
Skim Appendix IV "NT Allusions to Pseudepigrapha" (pages 203-256).
The Book of Giants (Dead Sea Scrolls 1Q23, 2Q26, 4Q203, 4Q530-532, 6Q8)
First Testament terms for spirit-beings (2 pages)
  Reversing Hermon seminar 2018, Part 1, with the late Dr. M. S. Heiser (43 min.)

1 The Nephilim (Sept. 26 & 29)

Class session:

Read or download The Nephilim document (3 pages)
Document Les Nephilim en français
Download PowerPoint slides
Video Session 1 (Thur., Sept. 26, 50 min.)
Audio only (.mp3, Thur., Sept. 26, 47 min.)
Audio only (.mp3, Sun., Sept. 29, 52 min.)

Reading assignment:
Reversing Hermon, pages 9-22 (about 40 minutes).
Reversing Hermon book footnotes

The Unseen Realm, "Divine Transgression" (pages 92-100).
Dr Heiser, "Why Understand the Bible With a Supernatural Worldview in Mind" (6 min.)
"How Fallen Angels Corrupted Mankind With Forbidden Knowledge" (14 min.)

2 The Watchers (Oct. 3 & 6)

Class session:
Read or download The Watchers document (4 pages)
Document Les Veilleurs en français
Download PowerPoint slides
Video overview (25 mins.)
Audio only (.mp3, 25 min.)

Reading assignment:
Reversing Hermon, pages 23-36 (about 40 minutes).
Book of Enoch, chapters 1-16 (about 15 minutes).

Heiser, Unseen Realm (pages 103-105)
Dr Heiser, "How Did Ancient Israelites View Human Depravity?"
Dr Heiser, "The Purpose of the Law"
"Watchers" in DDD (3 pages)
"Archai" in DDD (4 pages)
Flood traditions (chart)
Great-flood tranditions (page)
Amar Annus "On the Origine of the Watchers" (protected folder)

3 The Apkallu (Oct. 10 & 13)

Class session:
Read or download The Apkallu document (3 pages)
Document Les Apkallu en français
Download PowerPoint slides
Video overview (14 min.)
Audio only (14 min.)

Reading assignment:
Reversing Hermon, pages 37-54

Heiser, Unseen Realm (pages 92-109)
"Apkallu" in DDD (2 pages)
Heiser, "Who are the Anunnaki? Who are They Not?" (20 min.)
Extraterrestrials? (1 min.)
Heiser, "Why are There So Many Stories of Floods in the Ancient World?" (3 min.)
 "AI Helps Decipher Epic of Gilgamesh" (3 min. read)
Book of Jubilees
Ugaritic Alphabet (3 pages)

4 Jesus' birth (Oct. 17 & 20)

Class session:
Read or download The Birth document (3 pages)
Document La naissance en français (3 pages)
Download PowerPoint slides
Video overview (21 min.)
Audio only (17 min.)

Reading assignment:
Reversing Hermon, pages 53-70

How Revelation helps to pinpoint the birth of Christ (Heiser, 10 min.)
Did Satan take a third of the angels with him? (Heiser, 5 min.)
"When did Herod the Great Reign?" (protected folder)
The Star that Astonished the World (protected folder)
"Dragon" in DDD (Pages 265-267)

5 Jesus' geneology (Oct. 24 & 27)

Class session:
Read or download The Genealogy document (2 pages)
Document La généalogie en français (en cours...)
Download PowerPoint slides

Reading assignment:

Reversing Hermon, pages 71-86
1 Enoch chapter 6 and 8

Tertullian (c. AD 155-220), On the Apparel of Women

6 Jesus' ministry
(Oct. 31 & Nov. 10)

Reading assignment:
Reversing Hermon, pages 87-102

7 Human depravity
(Nov. 7 & 17)

Reading assignment:
Reversing Hermon, pages 103-122

8 Women's covering
(Nov. 14 & 24)

Reading assignment:
Reversing Hermon, pages 123-136

9 Christian baptism
(Nov. 21 & Dec. 1)

Reading assignment:
Reversing Hermon, pages 137-144

10 The Antichrist
(Nov. 28 & Dec. 8)

Reading assignment:
Reversing Hermon, pages 147-162

11 The Apocalypse
(Dec. 5 & 15)

Reading assignment:
Reversing Hermon, pages 163-180

12 Conclusion (Dec. 12 & 22)

Reading assignment:
Reversing Hermon, pages 181-268 (whatever you wish)