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Section 02: FELLOWSHIP, Foundation Level 1b

02 1b: Receive visitors and converts with loving acceptance

Do more than simply greeting them and shaking their hands. If possible, offer them coffee, etc. and chat. Take them to dinner, or whatever is appropriate. Be sure that converts feel the love of God, expressed through you. Make sure visitors form close friends within the first few weeks or they probably will not continue to attend.

*Find in Genesis chapters 37 - 50 examples of how God used Joseph's love and forgiveness for his brothers to protect and provide for His chosen people.

Find in the following passages guidelines for cultivating fellowship:

John 13:34-35
Ephesians 4:31-32
1 John (the entire letter).

Find in Ephesians (the entire letter) guidelines for cultivating love for God and unity with other believers.

* Stories (better, for letting the Word flow from friend to friend)


T&M Student Activity Guide page 12b, 46a

For receiving visitors and converts: Becoming a Contagious Christian, Mark Mittelberg, Lee Trobel and Bill Hybels

How does your church follow up visitors and converts?

For help: Research

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