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Section 02: FELLOWSHIP, Pastoral Level 2b

02 2b: Resolve disputes and division

Find the root cause of a dispute (seldom the complaint that is voiced).

To avoid most disputes, teach your people to discern the three levels of authority for what a church does:

For a more detailed expression: Three Levels of authority.

Find in Galatians 6:1 guidelines for dealing with disputes and division.

Find in Titus 3:10-11 what to do when the above guidelines don't work.

Find in John 17 verses that move us to seek loving unity.

*Find in Genesis chapters 37 — 45 ways in which the lives of Joseph and Jesus were similar. In what ways was Joseph a prophetic "type" of Jesus? What events in his life paralleled events in the life of Jesus?

*Find in Genesis 37:1-36 why Joseph's brothers envied him and what they did to him.

*Find in Genesis 39:1-23 why Joseph was put in prison.

*Find in Genesis 41:1-55 how Joseph came to be governor in Egypt.

*Find in Genesis chapters 42 - 45 what Joseph did to save his brothers, and things he did (or that happened to him) that also happened to Jesus.


* Stories (better, for letting the Word flow from friend to friend)


T&M Student Activity Guide page 29b

When conflict breaks out, chronicle the events, words and actions of people.

For help: Research

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