Section 03:
FOREIGN MISSIONS, Foundation Level 1d03 1d: Evaluate and implement all categories of mission work
Register your progress toward the following objectives. The list starts with final objectives and works back, to help us discipline ourselves to keep the field realities and objectives in mind as we plan:
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Churches multiply under national leadership on national or regional level; foreign workers phase out. |
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Regional or national level coordinators (nationals) are trained as servant leaders. |
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National churches are enabled to multiply by training their own pastors, pastoral trainers and church planters. |
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National churches and pastors/elders nurture their own people as they grow in obedience to Christ and God's Word. |
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Culturally relevant worship (with typical music and other art forms), including Holy Communion, is practiced. |
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New national churches are born, by discipling converts for obedience to all of Christ's commands. |
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Culturally relevant evangelism, including baptism, needs culturally close people. |
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Workers identify a responsive segment of the population, build relationships, and do evangelism. |
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Workers bond people and culture, learn the language well. |
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Bivocational workers, if needed, establish employment that enables them to mix with the common people (the receptive ones in most pioneer fields). |
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Missionary teams are formed that include a balance of vital spiritual gifts (leadership, evangelism, for poorer areas healing and compassion). |
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Mission agency leaders help new workers with the details of deployment and accountability. |
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Sending churches commission, support and pray for workers. |
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Workers receive training, especially in the methods of evangelism, worship, church planting and leadership training that are reproducible in the field where they are going. |
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Sending churches mobilize for prayer, and to detect and prepare those with the 'sent one' gifting. |
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Mission related career counseling by objective advisors (not recruiters) is provided. |
Find in John 4:35 what we should do in preparation for outreach, besides pray. Describe ways to do this effectively.
Find in Acts 1:8 four types of people to whom we are to witness for Jesus.
Find in Acts chapters 13 - 14 guidelines for a missionary team, for being sent by a church, opening a new field in a hostile area, leaving local leaders in charge and reporting back to the sending church.*
Find in Joshua 6 an example of faith and courage for conquering new lands for Jesus.__________________
Stories (better, for letting the Word flow from friend to friend)2
(Optional Documents, to view, download or translate, for additional help) Supervising the Lord's Work in a Large Area. Cited from Church Multiplication Guide, Patterson and Scoggins, William Carey Library, Pasadena, CA, USA, Chapter 13, Section 01. "Titus, my true son in our common faith, grace and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Savior. The reason I left you in Crete was that you might straighten out what was left unfinished and appoint elders in every town, as I directed you." Titus 1:4-5. Click the explanation you want now, of why and how God wants a field supervisor to oversee God's work in a large field:A. Oversee God's Work in a Large Area the Way Christ Says
B. Help Those with Apostolic Gifting to Choose Their Field Wisely
C. Evangelize Victims of Brutal Class Discrimination in Resistant Fields
D. Help Task Group Members from Another Culture to Bond with the People and their Culture
E. Help Task Groups to Make New Disciples the Way Jesus Commanded
F. Train New Leaders the Way Jesus and His Apostles Modeled it
G. Make Realistic Plans to Help Believers Do Effective Ministry
H. Use Time Wisely as You Serve in Ministry
I . Organize to Reproduce Congregations
Do an assessment of your ministries' current practices in each of the mission work categories listed above under tasks (the hammer).
1=Lousy |
2=So so |
3=OK, It'll do. |
4=Good job |
5=Wow! (Super Exceptional) |
For help: Research
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