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Section 03: FOREIGN MISSIONS, Pastoral Level 2b

03 2b: Detect, train, mobilize the 'sent ones' (apostolic gifting)

Provide personal counseling or mentoring for those who are thinking of a missionary vocation. Do not limit this to young people. Most of the remaining neglected fields now need bi-vocational types, which include businessmen, retired people, etc.). Provide for training in:

Cooperate with others who can help you and whom you can help.

Find in Ephesians 4:11-12 the place of the missionary (apostolic or 'sent one') gift. How should it be used in conjunction with the other gifts mentioned, and for what purpose?

*Find in Acts 10 an example of a short-term church planting missionary team formed by members of two churches.

*Find in Acts 13:1-5 an example of a three-man, long term church planting missionary team formed by members of one church.

*Find in Isaiah 6:1-8 how the prophet responded to God's call. *How does Isaiah's commissioning compare with John 20:19-23 and 21:15-25?


* Stories (better, for letting the Word flow from friend to friend)

2(Optional Documents, to view, download or translate, for additional help)

Course syllabi for use by churches and mission organizations to mobilize missionaries, sending churches, career counselors and bivocational workers are available through the DES menu library.

Prepare a statement of principles (ideas) and standards (performance measures) for each of above training areas.

The same scales can be used to survey ministries and missionaries that you currently support financially as you make strategic decisions about continued support. This is not harsh; it is taking seriously the remaining task near the end of the age.

For help: Research

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