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Section 04: MARRIAGE AND FAMILY , Advanced Level 3a

04 3a: Bring children to Christ

Give smaller children teaching on their level. Learn the characteristics of the different ages and how you deal with each. Include meetings for the entire family.

Give children of all ages things to do, to serve each other, the church and their community.

Arrange for older children who are able, to disciple younger ones.

*Find in Luke 18:15-17 what Jesus wants us to do with children.

Find in Ephesians 6:1-3 guidelines for young people for a holy life.

Find in Deuteronomy 31:12 an example of including children in important meetings for instruction.


* Stories (better, for letting the Word flow from friend to friend)


T&M Student Activity Guide, page 36b

On bringing children to Jesus: A Theology for Children, William L. Hendricks

Materials, including their magazine, by Child Evangelism Fellowship

Find out who among your churches, group, or contacts, has experience or interest in children's work.

For help: Research

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