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Section 06: OVERSEEING AND PLANNING, Foundation Level 1a

06 1a: Discern and develop the leader's identity, gifts and limitations

Name leaders that meet biblical qualifications.

Find in 1 Timothy 3:1-13 guidelines for naming leaders.

*Find in the book of Nehemiah guidelines for supervising leaders and delegating responsibilities.

*Find in Matthew 20:20-28 similar guidelines for leaders in the church.


* Stories (better, for letting the Word flow from friend to friend)


For mentoring to prepare church leaders, for seminary credit or certificate, contact Dr. Galen Currah and ask about the course Mentoring for Ministry, DIS538. Call (503) 517 1912 or e-mail

For video courses that you can take at home, contact Jon Raibley at Western Seminary's Center for Lifelong Learning. Ask about courses related to leadership development. Call (503) 517 1899, or e-mail or view courses offered on On the home page click on Enter, then Academic Programs, then Distance Education, then Course Listings.

2(Optional Documents, to view, download or translate, for additional help)

A. Oversee, Equip and Plan in a Way that Mobilizes All Church Members for Active Ministry
B. Help your People Do Gift-Based Ministries
C. Let Organization Grow out of Relationships and Goals, Not the Other Way Around

For Christian management skills in general: Building Effective Leadership, Peter Wiwcharuck

Leadership Handbooks of Practical Theology, edited by James Berkeley, Volume 3:

managing the leader's private and public life, call, general responsibilities: sections 1-5

Handling stress and personal mental health of the leader, section 6

disciplines of Christian leadership, sections 3, 14

Christian leadership in general, in Old and New Testaments, maintaining vision, section 13

The leader's calling, Leadership Handbooks of Practical Theology, edited by James Berkeley, Volume 3, section 2

Getting started: The Making of a Leader, Robert Clinton

For the spiritual basis for Christian leadership: Spiritual Leadership, Oswald Saunders

For pastoral leadership, per se: Feeding and Leading

Practical tips: Top 10 Mistakes Leaders Make, Hans Finzel

Procure a battery of gift, aptitude, leader style, and temperament assessment inventories that you can use with your emerging leaders.

For help: Research

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