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Section 06:
06 2c: Hold administrative meetings to mobilize, build relationships and hire staff
Have planning sessions as often as needed to coordinate the work. Once a week is normal.
- Do not rely on a majority vote f the entire congregation for spiritual decisions. You and the other shepherding elders lead the flock God has given you; it does not lead you. Rule by consensus in the church is the abdication of spiritual leadership.
- Avoid the traditional congregational business meeting if it becomes a gripe session.
- If sensitive issues must be discussed, hold meetings to let people air their opinions. Do not vote at such sessions.
- Repeat these sessions until the steam has cooled; the people will know that they have been heard.
- Then take action. Those whose views were not followed will still know that they were taken into account.
*Find in 1 Kings 12:1-24 what happened in a business meeting that divided the people.
*Find in Acts 15 examples of guidelines to lead a meeting to resolve a conflict or plan.
T&M Student Activity Guide page 28b
Leadership Handbooks of Practical Theology
, edited by James Berkeley, Volume 3:
- hiring support staff: section 18
- calling, terminating support staff: sections 19, 21
- supervising staff: sections 17, 20
- church government: section 27
- managing the church office: sections 28-29
- when to move or retire: section 9
If working cross-culturally, find out the different decision-making patterns that are used in the culture.
- Adopt for the church the pattern that prefers a strong leader who first gathers all the facts and seeks wise counsel.
- Find out how the culture handles delicate matters and sensitive issues. Every culture has ways of dealing with things both well and poorly.
- People will be very pleased if you learn to do things right while holding to biblical ideals.
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