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07 2a: Practice prayer and intercession as part of ongoing church life and renewal

Help your people to pray regularly. Help them to:

Find in John 17 things that Jesus asked for Himself and for us.

Find in Daniel 9:1-19 things that a godly leader or intercessor asks for his people.

Find in Ephesians 1:15-23 things that a pastor asks for his flock.

Find in 1 Timothy 2, guidelines to pray.

Find in Psalms 1-41 kinds of prayers (praise, complaint, confession, etc.)

Find in Ephesians 3:14-21 several things a pastor or elder asks for his people.

Find in 1 Timothy 2:1-5 what we ask, for the authorities.


T&M Student Activity Guide page 22a

For an understanding of what God has consistently used to renew His churches, read histories of renewal movements such as chapter 6 The Great Awakening, American Christianity, Smith, Handy & Loetscher.

For prayer meetings and vigils, Leadership Handbooks of Practical Theology, edited by James Berkeley, Volume 1, section 11

Have there been awakenings and revivals in the history of your ministry population?

For help: Research

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