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Section 07:
PRAYER AND SPIRITUAL WARFARE, Pastoral Level 2d07 2d: Deal positively with injustice and people in power in church or government
Deal with evil in high places not only by denouncing it but also by advocating positive, realistic alternatives.
Find in Matthew 14:1-12 to what degree the prophet John the Baptist got involved in denouncing moral failures by people in government.*
Find in Matthew 21:12-17 how bold Jesus was in dealing with a public evil.*
Find in Matthew 23 Jesus' attitude and words for those who abused power.Find in Mark 14:53-65 what Jesus did when they persecuted Him and why they sentenced Him to death.
Find in Matthew 5:11-12 what to do when we are persecuted.
Find in Matthew 10:16-42 more guidelines for what to do when we are victims of injustice.*
Find in Acts 7:1 through 8:1 why they killed Stephen, how they did it, and who stood there approving of it.*
Find in Acts 9:1-35:*
Find in Exodus chapters 32 - 34 why God wanted to destroy His people and what Moses did for them.Find in 1 John 4:1-3 why and how we are to test the spirits of those who bring new doctrines.
Find in the book of Revelation the general theme of assurance that, even though evil men and governments now control much of the world and oppress God's children, Jesus Christ will reign in the end, triumphing over all.
Find in 1 Samuel 18:1 through 19:17 why David had to flee from King Saul and how he got away.*
Find in 1 Samuel 24:1-22 how David spared Saul's life and how Saul responded.*
Find in the book of 1 Kings good and bad examples of government.*
Find in the book of Esther several things that God did for his people in response to the prayers of the faithful.Find in the book of Jeremiah how God uses His leaders to deal with error (list several things).
Find in the book of Micah more examples of good and bad government, and warnings.
Find in the book of Obadiah how God punished rebellious people in the Old Testament.
Stories (better, for letting the Word flow from friend to friend)For a historical perspective on the abuse of power in the church and how reformers dealt with it, read Austin's Topical History of Christianity, Sections V through VIII.
For a more contemporary view of oppression of God's people: The Church in China, Carl Lawrence.
Listen to local people talk about injustice.
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