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Section 08:
SERVING THE NEEDY, Pastoral Level 2c
08 2c: Respect older people; put them to work
Show respect and love for the aged, and help your people also to do so.
- Put the elderly to work. Churches often neglect many with ample time and skills, overlooking a priceless vein of gold.
- Arrange for the elderly to serve other elderly people.
- Arrange for young people to mix occasionally with the elderly in activities that they both enjoy, such as presenting skits, eating, reading poems prepared by the young people.
Find in Titus 2:1-8 several guidelines for what the elderly should do.
Find in Find in 1 Kings 12:6-15 a reason why young people should respect their elders and heed their advice.
Find in 1 Peter 5:1-5 some reasons why the youth should respect church elders.
Stories (better, for letting the Word flow from friend to friend)
To encourage older people: Keep the Fire, Don Anderson
Discover what older people can do.
- Most older people have tremendous knowledge and keen skills that they do not know could be useful to the Lord for ministry.
- Find out from conversations or surveys what were their work careers and hobbies.
- You will often find some that are more expert than you, in the work that you have undertaken. Let them mentor you and serve as advisors.
- For help:
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