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Section 11:
STEWARDSHIP, Pastoral Level 2b
11 2b: Support missionaries by 'faith promise'
Arrange for your people to commit to give a monthly amount for the support of a missionary or mission project, by faith.
- This giving is over and above their regular giving to the church.
- They give it through the church.
- Such giving usually results in a much greater sense of stewardship in all areas, not only for mission projects.
- Churches that do this give far more to the mission effort than other churches.
Find in 2 Corinthians 9:7 how we are to determine the amount to give, for any particular purpose.
Find in 2 Corinthians 8:1-5 a vivid example of the above principle put to work for giving offerings to be used outside of one's own church.
T&M Student Activity Guide
page 40a.
Guidelines for instituting faith promise missionary support: Faith Promise, Why and How, Norman Lewis.
Demonstrate how God enables sacrificial givers to give by faith.
- With those members who are willing to do so, set up an experiment. Ask them to write down their personal income figures from that past two years along with how much they have given to the church, to mission, to charities, to needy relatives.
- Then ask them to project how much they expect to bring in during the next twelve months, assuming that their giving will be about the same as it was the previous two years.
- Then ask them to make a pledge to give to a ministry or mission project a certain large proportion of what they will receive in excess of what they expect. They are to exclude any inheritance or bonus they expect.
- If you have a giving record system, compare the giving patterns of those who pledge with the patters of those who do not.
- Carefully done, this can be both a scientific experiment and a great personal lesson in faith.
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