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Section 12: TEACHING

Teaching focus 1 for fruitful disciple making

12 1e: Organize or strength the Christian education of your church or home group

Everyone in your church must learn the Word of God and be discipled.

Find in Psalm 119 several purposes of following God's Word.

*Find in Matthew 7:24-29 the final purpose of obeying God's Word.


* Stories (better, for letting the Word flow from friend to friend)

For articles on specific aspects of Christian education, Leadership Handbooks of Practical Theology, edited by James Berkeley, Volume 2, sections 23 through 28; these include articles by experienced experts for:

Verify who are gifted teachers.

Know the Bible well, obey its teachings, and explain it clearly,

Equip those they teach for ministries (Ephesians 4:11-12),

Enjoy helping others gain understanding of, and apply, biblical truth,

Illustrate biblical principles from life experiences,

Use the Bible to inform, rebuke, correct and instruct in righteous living.

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