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Section 12:
TEACHING AND DOING THE WORD OF GOD, Advanced Level 3d12 3d: Lay foundations for understanding the Old Testament.
Help your people to appreciate the value of the Old Testament, for its rich history, examples, Psalms of praise, prophecies and insights.
Help them to understand why we do not keep the Law of Moses today.
Find in Romans chapters 1 - 8 several reasons why we do not seek to justify ourselves today by keeping the Old Testament law.
Find in Romans 3:20 find a very specific and important purpose of the law.
Find in 1 Corinthians 10:11 (in context) a reason why God brought about, or allowed, the Old Testament historical events, including the bad things.
Find in Galatians 3:18 purposes of the Old Testament law.
For understanding the Old Testament, DES video course IOT506 Understanding the Old Testament (3 semester hours)
(Optional Documents, to view, download or translate, for additional help)"Law and Grace," DES menu library.
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This page updated 02 06 03