Paul-Timothy Training Menu

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Section 13: TRAINING LEADERS, Foundation Level 1a

13 1a: Enroll and train leaders using this Paul-Timothy Training Menu

Prayerfully enlist trainees--shepherds or potential leaders only--whom you will mentor.

Use the Priorities Chart to assess trainees' strengths and help them develop the ministries that God has laid on their heart to do.

Keep track of your trainees' progress. Keep a list of items in this menu that he has finished. Use the Mentoring Progress Chart to discern a trainee's needs, goals and ministry.

*Find in Exodus chapters 1 - 5 how God prepared, called and used Moses to prepare for the departure of His people from Egypt and slavery.

*Find in Exodus 1:1-22 why Pharaoh wanted to kill the children.

*Find in Exodus 2:1-10 how the baby Moses was saved from Pharaoh.

*Find in Exodus 2:11-25 why Moses fled from Egypt and how he found friends.

*Find in Exodus 3:1 through 4:17 how God commissioned Moses for what task.

*Find in Exodus 5:1 through 6:1 how Pharaoh hardened his heart against God.

*Find in Exodus chapters 6 - 11 how the plagues effected Pharaoh and the people.

*Find in Exodus chapters 12 - 20 several ways in which God enabled Moses to lead the Israelites and mobilize others to share leadership.

*Find in Exodus 12:1-36 how the angel of death knew when to pass over a house without killing the oldest son.

*Find in Exodus 12:37-51 what the original Passover feast celebrated.

*Find in Exodus 13:17 through 14:31 how God rescued His people from the Egyptian army.

*Find in Exodus 18:13-27 what Jethro told Moses to do, to shepherd all the people.

In what way is this similar to Paul's advice to Timothy in 2 Tim. 2:2?

In what way is this similar to Paul's advice to Titus in Titus 1:5?

*Find in Exodus 19:1-25 how God prepared new elders and the people to receive His law.

*Find in Exodus 20:1-21 the main commands of God for His people of the Old Testament.

*Find in Exodus chapters 35 - 36 why Moses prohibited that they give more offerings.


* Stories (better, for letting the Word flow from friend to friend)

2(Optional Documents, to view, download or translate, for additional help)

In 1 and 2 Timothy find how Paul mentored Timothy, with principles of pastoral leadership focused on Timothy's flock.


T&M Student Activity Guide page 20

General Exam (to find what further training is needed), DES menu library

For training volunteer workers: Leadership Handbooks of Practical Theology, editor, James D. Berkley, Volume 3, section 24

Verify who are the current small group leaders that want to be coached or mentored.

When you announce your willingness to mentor home group shepherds, some who are not gifted will volunteer to lead a group if you form it for them. Do not do it!

For help: Research

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This page updated 02 06 03