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Section 13: TRAINING LEADERS, Foundation Level 1d

13 1d: Qualify and commission (lay hands on) new leaders to release them for ministry

As soon as an apprentice leader has proven that he is capable to shepherd others or lead a ministry team, authorize this new leader to do so by 'laying on hands.'

*Find in Acts 13:1-3 a purpose for 'laying on hands.'

Find in 1 Timothy 4:14 another purpose for this commissioning.

Find in 1 Timothy 5:22 a caution for 'laying on hands.'

Find in 2 Timothy 1:6 evidence that laying on of hands is more than a mere symbol. If we do it in faith, what does God do?

Find in 1 Timothy 3, guidelines for the type of person to commission.

*Find in Genesis 22:1-18 how God tested Abraham's faith. In what ways today does God test the faith of the leaders of His people?

*Find in Joshua 1 how God specifically commissioned Joshua for his role?

*Find in Leviticus chapters 10 and 16 evidences of the seriousness of Christian ministry.

Find in Hebrews chapters 8 - 9 ways in which Jesus' priestly ministry is similar and different from the Old Testament priests'.

Find in Isaiah 6 how God commissioned the prophet for his role.


* Stories (better, for letting the Word flow from friend to friend)

Verify the qualifications of new workers.

So-and-so has a good reputation with non-believers. (TIck the answer that describes him best.)

o Better than most.
o As well as most.
o Not as well as most
o I do not know.

For help: Research

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