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Section 14: WORSHIP, Foundation Level
14 1d: Practice small group worship style
For small groups (cells) or house churches provide a style of worship that fits the small gathering.
- Small groups or house churches need a very different style of worship.
- What they lose by lacking the impact of a large crowd, they can more than make up for by providing worship in which everyone participates.
- Aim not for excellence in performing the music, but for everyone to take part.
- Each person adds something: a song, a word of encouragement, a question, a Bible verse or testimony.
- Teaching should be done in the form of discussion, with interesting questions--not with traditional pulpit oratory.
- The Lord's Supper is felt with greater impact when celebrated by a small, closely-knit group.
- Seating should be arranged in a circle so that the people are not looking at the backs of others' heads.
- Practice the New Testament "one anothers"
Find in 1 Corinthians 14 guidelines for orderly worship.
Find in Hebrews 10:25 guidelines for attending worship.
Use a concordance to find the "one another" or "each other" passages in the New Testament. Practice them, and explain how they can be put into practice easily in a small group.
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Essential Elements of Worship.
Verify the best style of worship for your particular small group or house church.
- Attend various small groups when invited and observe their worship style.
- Find the common themes, forms and expressions.
- Find weak spots and avoid them. Some house churches, for example, allow too much spontaneous informality, killing the sense of serious worship. Others fail to prepare well, because so few attend. These are serious errors.
- Note how many enter into the worship and what are the various emotions that people show, verbally or otherwise. Worship with the group using their forms.
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