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Section 14: Worship, Pastoral Level 2b

14 2b: Use familiar and biblical praise forms.

Help your people to discern the essential elements of worship and the mere external forms these might take (item 141a), so that they will not argue about what is not important.

Ask the older folks for permission to do what you have to do, to bring their children and grandchildren to church and hold them.

*Find in Psalm 150 the kind of music that God wants us to praise Him with. Compare it with what your church practices.

Find in Romans 14 a general rule concerning offending newer, weaker Christians, and apply it to any controversy that exists concerning music styles.


* Stories (better, for letting the Word flow from friend to friend)

For particular forms of worship (creed, confession, offering, benedictions, etc.), Leadership Handbooks of Practical Theology, edited by James Berkeley, Volume 1, section 12

For balancing tradition and innovation, section 16

Verify the worship and praise forms that both old and young can embrace.

If people's preferences are keeping others from worshipping, deal with them wisely.

For help: Research

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