Paul Timothy Trainers

Equipping leaders to multiply—anywhere!

Post Office Box 33286 — Portland OR 97292-3286
Telephone 503.253.0931 — e-mail

Download PTT: Consultant's Manuel (08 June 2011)

Who are Paul Timothy Trainers

Integrating Paul Timothy Training

Implementing Paul Timothy Training

Looking for how to contribute?

Who Are Paul Timothy Trainers


PTT are you who raise up new leaders in the way that Jesus and his apostles did, by mentoring and coaching them as they do the same with others, in turn. PTT is also a network of trainers of trainers, serving as consultants to training officers across mission, church and school, providing guidelines, models and troubleshooting, to strengthen pastoral training and church multiplication. Presently, PTT are developing widely-applicable, adjustable guidelines that include:

  • learning topics, goals and objectives

  • recommended training activities

  • keyed to existing materials (and keyable to your own)

  • verifiable training outputs and outcomes

PTT remains inspired and guided by George Patterson (

Integrating Paul Timothy Training

As a Paul Timothy Trainer, your tasks include guiding leaders at every level
as they integrate reproductive principles in their work plans, in their mentoring
of new leaders, and in their program monitoring and evaluation. A PTT trainer
obeys the Word of God, depends on the Spirit of God, writes or edits
training materials, conducts workshops and mentors willing leaders.

Implementing Paul Timothy Training

As a Paul Timothy Trainer, you may be a ministry director, a ministry training officer
or an outide consultant. You ensure that all who lead others understand your guidelines,
get the skills they need to implement those guidelines, and receive regular mentoring
for those who can help them or get help for them.

Role of Ministry Directors

1. Adopt and adjust a ministry vision of continual reproduction.
2. Plan to implement and finance a continual training function at every level.
3. Appoint and empower a training officer within each discreet region.
4. Approve or modify PTT training guidelines or ask PTT for other guidelines.
5. Regularly compile, analyze and review outcome tracking data from all levels.
6. Incorporate outcome findings into on-going action planning.
7. Authorize training officers to communicate with PTT consultants.

Role of Inside Training Officers

1. Communicate with PTT consultants and PTT guidelines.
2. Continually talk up reproductive tactics and outcomes.
3. Organize and implement continual, ministry-wide training and planning.
4. Conduct model training workshops for trainers of trainers.
5. Ensure four-generational mentor-apprentice chains.
6. Implement continual tracking of progress on key indicators.
7. Make periodic adjustments or reorganize training whenever progress lags.

Role of Outside Consultants

1. Listen carefully to insider training officers.
2. Visualize and talk up reproductive tactics and outcomes.
3. Analyze current successes and disappointments.
4. Recommend adjustments and courses of action.
5. Lead model training workshops where asked to do so.
6. Supply or edit PTT guidelines that fit your recommendation.
7. Remain available for further advice.

Index to Draft PTT Training Guidelines for Download

These 40-plus guidelines consist of frequently-encountered needs and topics,
recommend training cognitive, affective and behavioral inputs, and
identify verifiable short-term outputs and long-term outcomes.

Each one is keyed to the following, proven, programs, guidelines and materials:

Church Multiplication Guide
Paul-timothy Studies
People of YES!
Reproducible Pastoral Training
Shepherd's Storybook
Train & Multiply

How to contribute

This is not a solicitation. This is for those who seek to underwrite consultant expenses
incurred by those from whom your ministry has benefited.

Contributions not requiring a receipt must be made payable to Paul Timothy Trainers
Mail cheques to
CVI2/PTT, Post Office Box 33286 — Portland OR 97292-3286

Those requiring a tax-related receipt should contribute through
Community Vision International at
Post Office Box 33286 — Portland OR 97292-3286

If you require a tax-deductable receipt,
then donate through Community Vision International, here:

If a tax-deductable receipt is not required,
then donate directly to Paul Timothy Trainers, here: