Shepherd’s Storybook I–1
Jesus told a story about two builders. One was wise and built his house on rock. The other was foolish and built on sand. Let me introduce you to a man who is like the wise man in Jesus’ story. He likes to hear God’s word and put it into practice. We call him Mr. Wise. He arrives by bus in Learner’s community, where he stays with a cousin and does evangelism.
Mr. Wise comes to see Learner’s new woodworking shop. “You have done well, Learner. This is a fine new shop. I'm proud of you!”
“You taught me well when I worked for you last year,” Learner replies, “Now I have a good trade and I owe it to you. But I'm afraid I was not always a very good learner.”
refused to listen when I told you the wonderful news about another
carpenter, Jesus.”
Learner frowns. “That religious talk was always difficult for me, Mr. Wise. You used big words.”
“Here, let me help you sand that table,” Mr. Wise offers. “You are right. I tried to argue with you and force my doctrine into your mind. But I've learned a better way to share the good news. Let me tell you the truth about God with a story, like Jesus did. Stories are easy to understand and remember. You can repeat them to your family and friends. Bible stories are not like the stories that men make up to entertain their friends and children. They are real things that happened in history.”
Another friend of Learner arrives. Mr. Foolish is a salesman for a company that sells everything except what you want. He is like the foolish builder in Jesus’ story. He likes to do things his own way. Mr. Foolish interrupts. “Learner, this man is teaching something strange. We do not need any new religion here. We do not need to change the way we have always lived. Now listen to me. I have a new soap you should buy, with an odor like cinnamon. Here, smell it.”
Learner pays no attention to Mr. Foolish. He knows in his heart that there is something missing in his life. He wants to know more about God. He listens carefully to Mr. Wise.
Mr. Wise tells Learner the story of The Wasteful Son who finds forgiveness, in Luke 15:11-32.
Please read this story in Luke 15:11-32, or ask someone to read it to you. If you do not have the Bible in your language, ask someone tell it to you from a Bible in another language. It is necessary that you read or have someone tell you all of the Bible texts that we ask you to in this book. Otherwise, these studies will be useless.
As you read or listen to this story in Luke 15:11-32 find what Learner discovered:
How did the son cause pain for his father by the way he lived?
How did the son later show that he felt bad about his foolishness?
How did his father treat him when he arrived home again with a repentant heart?
“Learner” Mr. Wise explains, “We are all like the rebellious son. We have forgotten our father in heaven. We have done foolish things with our lives. God is waiting for us with His arms open, ready to forgive us and welcome us with a happy party, to welcome His lost children as we return to our true and eternal home.”
Learner stops sanding the table to consider what Mr. Wise said. Mr. Foolish, however, picks up his box of soap and starts out the door. He scoffs, “Do you really think God has parties? I think He has better ways to spend His time!”
Mr. Wise assures him. “Oh yes, Jesus talked about parties and enjoyed them. If we ask him in Jesus’ name, God will gladly forgive us and send the Holy Spirit to help us turn from our old life, to join the greatest party of all. Because of Jesus’ death and resurrection, God forgives us and receives us with joy, as lost children that have come back home. He said that being in heaven with Him is like a great wedding party.”
Mr. Wise tells Learner about Creation and Adam’s Fall.
find now in this story in Genesis chapters 1 through 3 (Gen. 1 –
3) the answers to the questions that Mr. Wise asks Learner:
Why did Adam and Eve suddenly become very afraid of God?
What was God doing when He found Adam and Eve in the garden?
What did God promise to do to the enemy of the human race?
Where did God send the couple because of their
Mr. Wise explains while he helps Learner finish the new table. “God at first walked and talked with Adam and Eve. He created people to walk and talk with Him like friends. He did not create them to suffer, nor to feel lost or confused. People were designed to live with God, enjoying His creation. God wanted people to love Him freely, because love cannot be forced. God allowed Adam and Eve to choose their own path. They chose to go their own way, which was the way of God’s
Enemy, Satan, instead of obeying God. He had to send them out of His paradise.”
“Oh, how sad!” “Human history also shows us that men live far away from God now. We lost our friendship with Him. The world is full of death and violence. Without God, we live in great spiritual danger. God promised to conquer our enemy Satan and sent a champion to rescue us from death and evil. Jesus paid for our rebellion with His death and made it possible for us to return to God with His resurrection. Through Jesus, we can go back to our true home with God.”
After discussing the story, Mr. Wise asks Learner, “Do you see now the meaning for our lives? God wants us to live in friendship with Him. Would you like to know more stories about God, and tell them to your family?” Learner agrees and Mr. Wise suggests, “Here is a verse for us to memorize together in John 1:9. We shall meet again next week!”
Please memorize John 1:9.
Find in Romans 5:12 what passed on from Adam to all his sinful descendants.
Find in Romans 5:13-21 how the first Adam contrasts with the
'final Adam'.