Pastor’s Storybook I–3

Discovery 3

Find Pardon and Life in Jesus’ Death and Resurrection

Trust in Jesus’ work, His death and resurrection,
not in our human efforts.

The next week, Mr. Wise again visits Learner at his shop and helps him polish a new desk. Learner says, “I told my family those stories. They liked them, but my father says we have other good teachers besides Jesus.” Mr. Wise answers, “We have other good teachers but they are not like Jesus. Let me tell you about Jesus’ Arrest and Trial, from Matthew 26:31-56.


Please read Matthew 26:31-56 and find what Mr. Wise describes:

Mr. Wise explains as they work on the desk, “We are separated from God by our sin. Nevertheless, God loved the world so much that He sent His son to bring us back to Him. He made the world, but the world did not recognize Him. John 3:16; and John 1:10 explain this. His own disciples betrayed and abandoned Him. The priests of God’s temple condemned Him to die, although He was a holy and innocent man. Like Jesus’ own people, we have all rejected Him because we have all sinned against God. Jesus loves us so much, however, that He chose to die for us. He was not only our teacher but saved us from God’s punishment for our sins.”

Mr. Foolish arrives at the door of the shop and shouts, “Look what I have today. Buy one of these bone-handled nutcrackers.”

They pay no attention. Mr. Wise relates The Death and Resurrection of Jesus.


Please find in Luke chapters 23 and 24 what Mr. Wise narrates:

Mr. Wise tells Learner and Mr. Foolish, “The day Jesus died the sun went dark at about the sixth hour until about the ninth hours, and the Temple curtain was torn open. Jesus was buried and stayed dead until the third day. The most holy God would not allow this truly good and innocent man to remain dead.”

“Jesus was weak!” Mr. Foolish exclaims, “He could not stop people from killing Him!”

“He could have stopped them but Jesus died willingly. He took our place on the cross. On the third day God raised Him from the dead. He came back to His disciples and they touched Him and ate with Him. They worshiped Him, calling Him ‘Lord’ and ‘God’ in John 20:28. His resurrection broke the power of death. No other man has ever defeated death like that.”

Mr. Wise asks Learner, “Will you simply obey God? Do you see now that Jesus is greater than anyone else is who ever lived? Will you ask God to save you from death and give you a new life in the power of Jesus’ name? Here is a verse about Jesus to memorize with your family: John 3:16.”

Learner quickly memorizes it. When Mr. Wise starts to leave, Learner remarks, “I can tell these stories to my family now. Can we meet again soon to talk about Jesus again?”


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