Shepherd’s Storybook I–4
A week later Mr. Wise is again helping Learner in the woodworking shop. Mr. Foolish arrives out of breath. “Bad news, Learner! Your brother who lives down the river was killed in a bus wreck!”
drops the polish and sits in silence. Mr. Wise sits beside him,
praying for him during a long moment of silence. Learner sobs, “Oh
no! Why does God let such evil happen? What comfort can I give his
family?” Mr. Wise tells his friend about Jesus’ Power
over Death.
Please find in John 11:17-44 what Mr. Wise explains:
How did Jesus feel about the death of His friend Lazarus?
What did Jesus tell Martha would happen to those who believed in Him?
What happened to dead Lazarus when Jesus called him?
Mr. Wise explains, as the three men sit in Learner’s shop. “Jesus also had a very good friend who died. Jesus was very sad. God does not like to see people suffer. Jesus came to put all things right. He told Martha that Lazarus would come back to life again, because Lazarus believed in Jesus. He is the resurrection and the life. He prayed to God and then called Lazarus in the tomb. Lazarus came out of the tomb alive.
Mr. Foolish asks, “But what power does Jesus have to give life now?”
“Jesus showed everyone that He has power over death. When He died and came back to life on the third day, He gave a new life to all that believe in Him. This life never ends because we have God’s spirit in us.”
Mr. Wise tells about The Man Tormented by Demons, who met Jesus.
Please find in Mark 5:1-20 the answers to these questions that Mr. Wise asks Learner:
What did the bad spirits make the man do to himself?
What did the bad spirits say to Jesus?
What did Jesus do for the man?
What did Jesus tell the man to do after he was healed?
Mr. Wise explains, “Jesus is the Son of God. His very nature is that of God. Philippians 2:6 explains this. The spirits made the man cry out and cut himself. He was so strong that no one could control him. When Jesus came, they recognized Him as the Son of God. The man knelt before Jesus and the spirits begged to be sent into the pigs. Jesus sent the spirits out of the man, and they went. Jesus healed the man completely. Then He sent the man home to tell his family what God had done for him.”
Mr. Foolish leaves without a word and Mr. Wise continues, “When Jesus went up into heaven, He sent His Spirit to live in the people that trust Him. The Spirit of God is powerful and protects us from evil. He gives us a new life that is eternal and holy. He helps us tell other people the good news about Jesus.”
Wise asks Learner, “Now, do you want to pray to God in Jesus’
name and ask Him to change your life? He will. Here is a verse to
help you explain the story to your family: John 11:25. This is the
hope you can give your family.” Learner still does not want to
pray, but he memorizes the verse.
Please memorize John 11:25.