Paul-Timothy is
- Paul-Timothy offers 100+ free, brief, illustrated studies in 15 ministries, to help you train
and mentor novice shepherds and church planters.
Each topic has parallel studies for shepherds and for children's
As a mentor who trains new workers, you will choose Paul-Timothy
materials that meet a current need of each apprentice's congregation, cell or community group.
P-T studies come keyed to a menu
that will help you choose a study that will help your apprentice
shepherds and workers serve their congregation, cell or community group, now.
Many studies will
fit on the two sides of a sheet of paper and can be formatted into booklets.
Introductory workshops can be arranged for trainers but are not required.
Workshops introduce proven practices that help trainers empower novice leaders to start and multiply congregations
and cells of new believers.
Paul-Timothy is different from other materials
- P-T avoids non-NT traditions related to church, chapel,
pastor, clergy, salary, tithing, sacraments, power and privilege.
P-T is not a standard curriculum in which
everybody studies the same materials which they may not yet need.
P-T materials are written simply and clearly, so that
they are both easy to read and easy to translate into other languages.
Each P-T study cites Bible texts to read, gives practical
ministry advice, proposes activities for the week, and helps plan for
next week's workship time.
P-T studies are intensely biblical, not lessons
from Western, systematic theology.Thus, they are suitable for mentors,
coaches and pastors who train congregational shepherds and cell
group leaders who train others, in turn.
P-T has no copy or translation restrictions, no contracts
to sign, no fees to pay.
P-T may be freely translated, distributed and even sold.
Paul-Timothy is for
Both traditional congregations and informal house groups reproduce
only as fast as they can train new shepherds and make new disciples.
Some shepherds who do not qualify as biblical elders can provide
pastoral leadership to little gatherings. These materials can help
you train and mentor both novice and more mature shepherds who can
use the materials to train others, in turn.
to use Paul-Timothy
When you meet with an apprentice shepherd, you should do the following:
Listen to their report about their congregation, cell or group' needs and opportunities.
Let them teach back tp you what they have learned from their to
read on their own.
Consult the P-T menu and choose a study for each appretice.
- Help them plan what they will do
in the coming week along with their co-workers.
- Help them to plan their next worship time both for adults and
for children.
- Pray with them for their congregation and their trainees.