Teach in the Biblical Way during Worship

Anchor command. “Proclaim the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction.” 2 Timothy 4:2

Anchor story. Believers speak to one another to strengthen, edify and console, 1 Cor. 14:3, 24-26.

Anchor verse. “For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12

Japanese Samurai with double-edged sword.

Learning goal. Find out what Scripture teaches about teaching.

Growth goal. Appreciate the great value of small group dialogue and applying the Word.

Skill goal. Small group leaders engage all members in lively, edifying discussion, leading to action.

Outcome goal. Believers immediately and vigorously apply what they learn from God’s word.

Lord, help us to teach the way that Jesus and His apostles did.

Basic Study

Find what occurs when believers speak to each other to edify, exhort and console. 1 Cor. 14:3, 24-26

·         What is the purpose of prophesying in the New Testament? Verse 3

·         Who in a small group should prophesy as verse 3 says? Verse 24

·         What effect does such group interaction have on unbelieving visitors? 24-25

The Holy Spirit uses free, lively dialogue to help everybody sense the presence of God.

During the week visit people’s homes; find their needs and their questions, and teach accordingly.

During worship

·         Tell what can happen when all members of a small group discuss a topic (1 Cor. 14:3, 24-26). Ask the same questions as above, and let believers discuss the answers.

·         Ask the children to present what they have prepared.

·         Memorize together Colossians 3:16.

Advanced Study

1.       Learn from Matthew 13 guidelines for teaching.

·         Find in verses 1-2, if Jesus stood behind a pulpit to teach.

[Answer: Jesus sat, as He often did, to teach. Sometimes He sat in a boat. He taught where the people were, not in a classroom. His disciples saw him model his pastoral skills in a way that they could easily imitate. Good teachers do the same.]

·         Find in verses 3-9 & 34-45 Jesus’ usual method of teaching a crowd.

[Answer: Jesus illustrated God’s truths with stories. People can easily recall stories and tell them to others. Also, Jesus did not urge a crowd to take part in discussion.]

·         Find in verses 10-11 & 36 Jesus’ usual method of teaching a few disciples.

[Answer: Jesus listened to his disciple’s questions and conversed with them. He adapted His style of teaching to the size and spiritual maturity of the group.]

·         Find in verses 12-17, if the Holy Spirit produces the same effect in all who hear the Word.

·         Find in verses 18-23, the meaning of Jesus’ story about a farmer sowing in a field.

[Answer: Let God’s Word take root in our hearts; the Holy Spirit will make it bear fruit.]

·         Find in verses 24-30 & 37-43, why we need the Spirit to help us discern truth.

·         Find in verses 31-33, the size of benefits that can come from a little bit of teaching.

·         Find in verses 44-50, the final result of receiving God’s Word, compared with rejecting it.

·         Find in verse 52, if teachers should use varied resources.

[Answer:  Jesus brought together things from the Old and New Covenants, from history and current life. He did not separate doctrinal details into analytical outlines. God is too active and near to our hearts to see him merely by sorting him into lists of attributes and operations. We see the beauty of a painting by viewing its entirety, not by analyzing the chemical makeup of its colors.]

·         Find in verses 51-52, how Jesus made sure that people applied His teaching.

[Answer: Jesus asked questions. He and His disciples talked with listeners to verify their understanding. Good teachers help believers discuss the teaching and plan to apply it.]

Worshipers enjoy more interaction in little churches.

2.       Practical tips for teachers of small congregations.

·         Avoid monologues (doing all the talking). Pulpit oratory does not fit new, small flocks with new leaders. If new leaders do all of the talking, then the devil lures them into pride.

·         The New Testament gives many activities to do with one another, including teaching with dialogue. Interactive conversation among all members happens well only in small groups.

·         Avoid scolding with an angry tone of voice, which can discourage believers.

3.       Help people discuss a Bible text by asking four Bible discussion questions:

1. What did you like about the text?

2. What questions do you have about it?

3. What promise or command did you find in it?

4. What shall we plan to do, in order to apply it?

Good teachers pose queries to which learners find answers in the Bible.

4.       Learn the purpose of teaching in Ephesians 4:11-16.

·         Find in verses 11-12, who should serve the flock as a result of good teaching.

·         Find in verses 13-16, 1) things that occur as a result of good teaching. 2) In what way teaching is done along with the other activities that God requires of a church body.

5.       Plan with your co-workers additional activities to do during the week.

·         Train new teachers. Go over with them the guidelines above. Let them help teach during worship times and in homes.

·         Help workers that you are mentoring in new congregations to follow these guidelines.

6.       Plan with your co-workers additional activities to do during the next worship time.

·         Explain how God’s Word is like a sword (Hebrews 4:12).

·         Explain the guidelines for teaching that you found in Matthew chapter 13 (#1 above).

·         Tell, or act out, one or more of the parables in Matthew 13. Then ask the four questions listed in #3 above, to help everyone discuss a Bible passage.

·         Before taking the Lord’s Supper, read 1 Kings 8:10-13 about King Solomon dedicating God’s temple. Explain that we Christians are God’s temple, because His Holy Spirit lives in us (1 Corinthians 3:16).

·         Let those who have taught God’s Word to their families, or in other people’s homes, tell how God transformed their lives.

·         Those who teach children should read study #100 for children.

Discovery Bible Study Worksheet[1]
(Copy this page to share with group members or leaders who can read.)


1.      With whom did you share last week’s story? What happened?


2.      What did you do differently this week, following last week’s “I will” statement?


3.      Tell us something for which you are thankful this week.


4.      Tell us any struggles you have that this  group might help you with?


5.      Read the passage aloud; next, make observations about the story. Write these here:


6.      Without looking at your Bible, tell the story again. Someone will start telling the story, and others will tell whatever is missing.


7.      Write below what this passage teaches about God, or about life, or about humans?


8.      Write your own "I will" statement.  (How would God want you to obey this teaching?)


This week, I will ___________________________________________________________



9.      With whom will you share this story, this week?



[1] Adapted from www. internationalproject.org