Trained Leaders by Humbly Dear Lord, please help the children to serve others
humbly, like Jesus did
when He washed His disciples’ feet as an example to them.
Choose any of these activities that fit the children’s ages and needs. 1. An older child or teacher reads, or tells by memory, how Jesus trained His disciples to serve others humbly, John 13:1-17. Explain these facts: · Jesus trained his disciples by his example. · Jesus served them as a humble servant, to show them how to serve others. Pose these queries [An answer follows each question]: · For how long did Jesus love his disciples? [See John 13:1] · How did Jesus serve his disciples? [Verse 5] · Did Jesus know that Judas would soon betray him? [Verse 11] · In what way did Jesus train leaders to serve one another with humility? [Verse 15] ·
will God do for those who serve others with humility? [Verse 17]
2. Dramatize the story of Jesus washing others’ feet (John 13:1-17). Arrange for the
children to present this drama to the adults. · Older children or adults play these parts: Jesus. Hold a towel and bowl. Narrator. Younger children play these parts: Peter, Judas, Disciples. Narrator Tell the 1st part of the
story of Jesus washing others’ feet, John 13:1-7. Then say, Jesus Stand and wrap the
towel around your waist. Disciples (Some shout) “No!” Jesus “I have something to teach you.” Disciples (One asks) “Why does
Jesus wash our feet like a slave?” Narrator “Hear what Peter says.” Peter “Jesus, stop! Why are you
washing my feet? Jesus “I always serve those
that I love. Narrator Tell the 2nd part of
the story, John 13:8-17. Then say, Peter “Then wash my hands and my head, too!” Jesus “No, I have done all that
you need. Disciples (Some say) “Who does
He mean?” Narrator “Hear what Judas is thinking in his heart.” Judas Walk toward the
listeners and say to them, Jesus “I am your teacher and
Lord, yet I have washed your feet like a servant. Peter “You teach so well by your good example that we will never forget.” Narrator Thank everyone who helped with the drama.
3. If the children dramatize this story for the adults, then let them also pose to the adults the queries listed under #1 above. 4. Memorize 1 Peter 5:5. “Young men, obey your elders; and clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, for God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” 5. Have children give examples of ways that we can serve people with humility. 6. Explain that Jesus let a sinful woman wash His feet with her tears and dry them with her hair. A religious man, in
whose house this occurred, rebuked Jesus for letting her do it. 7. Draw a picture of feet and have the children copy it. Older children might copy the larger picture under #6 above. Let the children show their pictures to the adults during worship and explain: · This illustrates how we serve one another with humility. ·
as Jesus washed His disciples’ feet, Some children might like to colour the picture found at the end of this lesson. 8. Let five children each recite a verse from Philippians 2:3-8. 9. Have an older child pray: “Jesus, you are our Lord and Teacher. We praise you because you served others humbly. Help us to follow your example. Help us also to serve others in the same way.