God Provided a ‘Lamb’ to Save Us Help children appreciate the Lord’s Supper. Choose any of these children's learning activities. 1. Older child or teacher: Read or tell by memory the story of Abraham and Isaac, Genesis 22:1-18. This story tells how God provided a lamb to save a young boy’s life. After telling the story, pose these queries and let several children reply: · How did God test Abraham’s faith? [Answer, see verse 2] · How well did Abraham obey God? [3] · What question did Isaac ask while they travelled? [7] · What did Abraham answer Isaac? [8] · How did God stop Abraham from killing Isaac? [11] · What did God provide for the sacrifice? [13] · What blessing did God give Abraham as a reward for his obedience? [16-18] 2. Let the children view, copy or colour the picture found at the end of this lesson.
In the Lord’s Supper we participate in the body and blood of the Lamb of God,
The Lord’s Supper (Communion) helps us remember that Jesus is the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the World. It is the Christian counterpart to the Old Testament Jewish Passover that recalls the lamb’s blood painted on the doorposts, so the death angel would spare the oldest sons among God’s people. 4. Dramatize parts of the story of Abraham and Isaac, from Genesis 22:1-18. ·
with the leader of the congregation for the children to present the drama
also to the adults during the worship time. · Older children or adults play these parts: Narrator Younger children play these parts: Narrator Tell the first
part of the story from verses 1-6. Then say, Angel “The Almighty commands you to sacrifice your son on Mount Moriah.” Abraham Look up and say, “Yes,
Lord.” Servants Leave and come back
with Isaac and sticks and knife (or pretend to). Abraham Put the sticks on
Isaac’s back (or pretend to) and pick up the knife. Narrator Tell the second
part of the story, Genesis 22:7-10. Then say, Isaac “Father, where is the lamb for the sacrifice?” Abraham “God will provide the lamb.” Isaac Lie down on a table or chair (the altar). Abraham Tie Isaac with the rope (or pretend to). Hold the knife high. Angel (Shout) “Stop!
Do not kill him. Narrator Tell the third part of the story, Genesis 22:11-18. Lamb Bleat loudly, on the other side of the room. Isaac “Look, father! A
ram is caught in the bushes. Abraham Untie Isaac and say,
Angel “Abraham, hear God’s
eternal promise. He will bless you for obeying. Narrator Thank everyone who helped with the drama. 5. Draw a picture of a lamb. · Let the children show their pictures to the adults at the next worship time and explain that it illustrates how Jesus became the Lamb of God for us, to take away our sins. Let older children help the younger. 6. Ask the children how God’s promise to Abraham came true in Jesus Christ for us today. 7. Memorize Romans 6:23: “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” 8. Poem: Let four children each recite verses from Psalm 27, verses 1, 2, 13 & 14: The Lord is my light and my salvation,
whom will I fear? One thing I ask of the Lord, this is what
I seek: I am still confident of this: Wait for the Lord; 9. Let older children write a poem or song about God providing a Lamb to save us. They might do this during the week. 10. Have an older child pray: “Loving Father, thank you for providing your son, the Lamb of God, to die for us. His sacrifice is great enough for you to forgive us all of our sins. Help us to remember this when we eat the Lord’s Supper. Help us to obey you like Abraham did.” A more detailed drama dealing with Abraham offering
his only son to God: