Paul-Timothy Studies Assigned and Completed


Student’s name: ____________________________________ Enrollment date: ___________________

Location, congregation and contact details: ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­

1. Get Started: Guidelines for trainers, coaches and learners, User’s Menu



Completed date

Children date

Completed date

#1. How to use Paul-Timothy studies

#3. 11 Guidelines for those who coach

#4. 15 Guidelines for shepherds being trained

#5. 11 Guidelines for children’s teachers

#6 Supplement: 10 tasks of coaches

#7. 2 ways to help a congregation’s body life

#8. 9 guidelines to and lead group worship

#9 12 Basic topics to teach

#10. 10 basic principles of Paul-Timothy

#11 Studies assigned & completed

#15 Insert: Gospel, Commandments, Coaching

#119 Supplement: Church Reproduction Cycle






2. Give Assurance: Visit and counsel those who need comfort.



Completed date

Children date

Completed date

#20. Overcome fear and shame

#21. Counsel for personal and family problems

#22. Joseph received God’s liberating grace

#23. Visit in homes and bring God’s grace

#24. Break habits: alcohol, drugs, immorality

#110. Supplement: River of grace

#112 Supplement: Suicide

#113 Supplement: When adultery happens





 3. Learn the Bible: Background, survey, interpretation and application

Old Testament Study


Completed date

Children date

Completed date

#25. The authority of the Word of God

#26. Search God’s Word as the Bereans did

#27. Overview of the Bible

#28. Supplement: Overview of Important Events

#30. Pentateuch part 1: Genesis. Patriarchs

#31. Pentateuch part 2: Exodus. Slaves freed

#32 Pentateuch part 3: Exodus. God’s Law

#33. God keeps His promises: historical books

#34. Wisdom books

#35. Prophets foresaw the coming of Messiah

#36. Prophets announced messages from God





 New Testament Study

Shepherd date

Completed date

Children date

Completed date

#37. Four Gospels Testify about Jesus

#38. The life, death and resurrection of Jesus

#39. Acts of the Apostles

#40. Supplement: Apostles’ example from Acts

#42. The New Testament letters

#43. Christ Showed John what is to come

#117 Supplement: Bible history in 22 Steps






4. Plant churches: Reproduce cells and congregations, track outcomes


Shepherd date

Completed date

Children date

Completed date

#44.Gather in homes and in big groups

#45. A tax-collector welcomed sinners

#46. Start new flocks as the apostles did

#41 Supplement: nine freedoms in movements

#114 Track new cells and congregations





5. Make disciples: Teach loving obedience to Jesus


Shepherd date

Completed date

Children date

Completed date

#47. Make Disciples in the Way Jesus Said

#48. We obey Jesus, our great King

#49. Teach their children in the WAY God SAID

#116 Jesus’ commandments with stories





6. Save the lost: Salvation from sin, death and hell, baptism


Shepherd date

Completed date

Children date

Completed date

#50. Spread the Good News

#51. Repentance, a change of direction

#53. Witness for Jesus in the Spirit’s power

#54. New, eternal, holy life in Christ

#55. Family and friends gather to hear

#56a. How sin entered the world

#56b Jesus died on a cross to bear our sins





7. Give freely: Stewardship of all that God gives



Completed date

Children date

Completed date

#57. Give for God’s work and for the needy

#58. Self-supporting, bi-vocational ‘tentmakers’

#59 Guidelines for self-support

#60. Stewardship, use well what God entrusts





8. Grow in Christ: How God transforms character, spirituality



Completed date

Children date

Completed date

#61. Lead a Spirit-filled life

#62. Spiritual transformation & godly character

#63. Renew God’s people.





9. Review history: Events in Jesus’ live, overview of Christian history



Completed date

Children date

Completed date

#64. Jesus miraculously born as a human

#65. Jesus’ live-giving resurrection from death

#66. History of Christianity, the 1st 400 years

#67. History of Christianity, years 400 till 1600

#68. History of Christianity, years 1600 till now.







10. Love God and others: Family life, serving the needy, fellowship



Completed date

Children date

Completed date

#69. Show compassion by helping others

#70. Family life, marriage, training children

#71. Serve the needy

#72. Congregations and cells serving each other

#73. Show love in practical ways

#111 Believers' children marry believers







11. Send workers: Go to neglected communities, work in other cultures



Completed date

Children date

Completed date

#74. Detect ripe fields in other cultures

#75. Travel as a team to reach neglected places

#76. Work with other cultures

#77. Send workers to neglected peoples

#78. Spread a vision of widespread outreach.







12. Prepare for action: Lead others, manifest spiritual gifts



Completed date

Children date

Completed date

#79. Serve one another in love

#80. More: Serve one another in God’s family

#81. Small groups serve one another

#82. Maintain helpful discipline and order

#83. Organizing the flock to serve one another

#84. Regional overseers of new churches

#85. Serving with God-given spiritual gifts

#86. Supplement: Understanding spiritual gifts

#87. Perform pastoral duties

#89. Supplement: God gives overseers






13. Pray in Jesus’ Name: Faith, healing, enduring persecution



Completed date

Children date

Completed date

#90. Pray with effective faith

#91. Supplement: Spiritual Warfare

#92. Heal in Jesus’ name

#93. Put your faith into action, as Abraham did

#94. Endure persecution

#95. Free others from Satan in Jesus’ name.






14. Teach biblically: Communicate, story-telling



Completed date

Children date

Completed date

#96. Tell stories to teach what God is like

#97. Teach children in the way God said to do sp

#98. The Father, Son and Spirit are One God

#99. Moses helped his people to know God

#100. Teach Believers during Worship





15. Coach leaders: Mentoring, coaching, uniting training with ministry



Completed date

Children date

Completed date

#101. Aquila and Priscilla, coached new leaders

#102. Mentor new shepherds as Paul did

#103. Train novice leaders as Jesus and Paul did

#104. Supplement: Obedience-oriented training






16. Worship the Almighty: Lord’s Table, holidays and special celebrations



Completed date

Children date

Completed date

#105. The Lord’s Table (communion)

#106. Celebrate communion in your groups

#107. Aaron and other worship leaders

#108. Rejoice at harvest time






Links to

             1.      Get started: Guidelines for trainers, coaches and learners, User's Menu

             2.      Give assurance: Visit and counsel those who need comfort

             3.      Learn the Bible: Background, survey, interpretation and application

             4.      Plant churches: Reproduce cells and congregations, track outcomes

             5.      Make disciples: Teach loving obedience to Jesus

             6.      Save the lost: Salvation from sin, death and hell, baptism

             7.      Give freely: Stewardship of all that God gives

             8.      Grow in Christ: How God transforms character, spirituality

             9.      Review history: Events in Jesus' live, overview of Christian history

         10.      Love God and others: Family life, serving the needy, fellowship

         11.      Send workers: Go to neglected communities, work in other cultures

         12.      Prepare for action: Lead others, manifest spiritual gifts

         13.      Pray in Jesus' Name: Faith, healing, enduring persecution

         14.      Teach biblically: Communicate, story-telling

         15.      Coach leaders: Mentoring, coaching, uniting training with ministry

         16.      Worship the Almighty: Lord's Table, holidays and special celebrations

Or click on a study booklet number: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 15 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 
30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56a 56b 57
58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87
89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 108 109 110 111 112 113 114
115 116 117 118 119