Jesus Visited Frequently in Homes

Anchor command. “Whatever house you enter, …remain in the same house, eating and drinking what they provide, for the labourer deserves his wages.” Luke 10:5-7

Anchor story. Jesus dines with disreputable people and tax collectors, Mark 2:13-17

Anchor verse. “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners.” Mark 2:17

Learning goal.  Know what God’s word says about visiting and homes.

Growth goal. Appreciate the enormously beneficial results of visiting and homes.

Skill goal. Mobilize believers to do their duty by visiting in homes as Jesus did.

Outcome goal. The believers visit many who need Christ’s help during the week.

Basic Study

Dear Lord, you came to live among us and to visit us in our homes. In that way, you showed love for us and brought salvation to us. Many people did not recognize you or receive you. Thank you for opening our eyes to who you are. Help us to take your good news to the homes of other people who need you.



 Learn how Jesus often dealt with people, including sinners, in the story of a sinful woman washing Jesus’ feet, Luke 7:36-50.

  • Where was Jesus dining? Verse 36
  • What did the sinful woman bring to anoint Jesus? Verse 37
  • How did the woman show her devotion to Jesus? 38
  • What example did Jesus give his host, to show that those whom God forgives the greater sin will have greater love for God 39-48
  • What did Jesus say, finally, to the woman? 50

a)      During the week…

·         You and your co-workers visit believers to show friendship or give help, and other friends who need Jesus.

·         Take other believers with you, so that they can learn from your example.

·         Organize the church members so that all the families receive regular visits from others in the church.

During worship tell the story of Levi, Mark 2:13-17, and ask the above questions. Urge the believers to discuss the answers.

Ask the children to present what they have prepared.

Advanced Study

1.      Urge the believers to explain to their friends that Jesus yarns to enter into their hearts.

When Jesus knocks at the door of a person’s heart, the door must be opened from the inside.

2.      Find in Acts 9:32-43 a purpose for visiting in homes.

3.      Plan with co-workers additional activities the upcoming worship.

·         Jesus commands us to share this good news with everyone. Acts 10:42

·         We should not normally go visiting alone but in pairs or groups.

·         With visiting people who need Jesus, be sure to relate the key gospel events:
who Jesus is: the son of God
why he died: as a sacrifice, in sinners place
why he rose from the dead: he is the living God, and he raises from the dead all believers, who are united with him in his resurrection.
We are to receive Jesus simply by childlike faith, not by doing good works.

4.      Read 1 Peter 4:8-9. Explain that God blesses those who practice hospitality

5.      To introduce the Lord’s Supper read Luke 7:36-50 about the woman who washed the feet of Jesus with her tears. Explain that, as we come into the presence of Jesus, the Holy Spirit convicts us of our sin. We should take time to confess our sins and to remember how great God’s forgiveness is. The more we realize our sinfulness, the more gratitude and love we feel for his great mercy.



6.      Those who teach children should use Children’s study #23 for children.

