Jesus Opened Paul’s Eyes Teach Children about Paul’s Vision for Missionary Work Dear Lord, you gave to Paul a vision to take the gospel to all kinds of people. Please, give us that same vision. We also want to tell everyone about Jesus. Choose
any of these children's learning activities. Paul sees a light come out of the sky and hears Jesus talk with him. 1.
older child or teacher reads or tells by memory the story of Saul
meeting Jesus, This shows how God sent Saul to people in other lands to tell them about Jesus. After
telling the story, ask these questions. 1) Why did the people become quiet when they heard Paul speak? (Saul’s name was changed to Paul after his conversion.) [See verse 2. He spoke in their language.] 2) What was Saul doing to Christ’s followers, before he met Jesus? [Verse 5] 3) What made Saul blind? [Verse 11] 4) What instructions did God give to Saul through Ananias? [Verses 15 & 16] 5) To where did God send Saul? [Verse 21] 6) What did the Jews think of Paul’s vision for missions? [Verse 22.] 2. Dramatize parts of the story of Jesus speaking to Saul, Acts 9:1-21. · Arrange with the main worship leader to let the children present this brief drama. ·
Use your time with the children
to prepare the drama. · Older children help younger ones prepare. · Older children or adults act as: Narrator
Summarize the story and help the children remember their lines. Younger children act as: Saul’s Companions
Tell the 1st part of the story (Acts
9:1-11), then say, Saul
Point to the priests and say, Saul
and companions Jesus’ voice (Loudly) “Saul! Saul! I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting.” Companions
Take Saul by the hand and lead him. Say, Narrator
Tell the 2nd part of the story, Acts
9:12-21. Then say, Ananias
“Saul! God has sent me to pray for you. Receive your sight! Saul
“Oh! I can see now! Jewish
crowd (Some shout angrily)
“Get rid of this traitor.” Narrator Thank everyone who helped with the drama. 3. If the children dramatize this story for the adults, then let them also pose to the adults the queries listed under #1 above. 4. Explain that Paul obeyed his vision to tell people about Jesus, even when he was rejected. Ask the children to give examples of ways that people try to stop us from obeying God. 5. Draw a Picture of a world globe, and let the children copy it. They can show their pictures to the adults at the next worship time and explain that it illustrates how God loves all the people of the world.
Some children might like to copy or colour the picture found at the end of this lesson.
Explain that God sends us to
people who do not yet know about Jesus, · The Holy Spirit opens our eyes to see the needs of other people, just like he opened Saul’s eyes. · Jesus gives us a vision for starting congregations in other places, just as he gave this vision to Saul. 7. Memorize Acts 1:8. “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be my witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth.” 8. Explain how the four places of Acts 1:8 correspond to places we should go to now: 1) Jerusalem corresponds to the community in which we live. 2) Judea corresponds to other communities nearby. 3) Samaria corresponds to communities of a different culture, nearby. 4) The ends of the earth correspond to communities in distant lands. 9. Three children each recite one of the verses from Proverbs 3:13-15. 10. Older children write poems, songs or dramas about taking the gospel of Christ to neglected people, wherever they are. A
more detailed drama dealing with the perseut9r Saul meeting Jesus on
the way to Damascus: