God Made a Bad City’s Walls Fall Down

Lord, please help the children obey you, because of their love for you.

Choose any of these children's learning activities that fit their needs and ages.

1.      Let an older child or teacher read or tell by memory about Jericho’s walls, Joshua 6:1-20.

Joshua, a godly leader, led his people in obedience to God.

First ask the children to listen and discover how God used both his power and the Israelites’ obedience to bring victory in battle.

After telling the story, ask these questions about Joshua 6:1-20.
[Answers found in verses that follow the questions.]

·         To whom did God give instructions for conquering Jericho? [See Joshua 6:2]

·         What did God command the Israelites to do every day for six days? [Verse 3]

·         What did God command the people to do on the seventh day? [Verses 4-5]

·         What happened to the walls of Jericho, when the people obeyed God? [Verse 20]

·         What made Joshua such a good leader? [He obeyed God’s orders carefully.]

As the Israelites blew their trumpets, Jericho’s walls fell down.

2.      Dramatize parts of the story of Jericho’s walls.

·         Arrange with the main worship leader to present this drama.

·         Use your time with the children to prepare the drama.
Let older children help the younger ones.

·         You do not have to use all the parts.

·         Carefully set up a small pile of stones, and explain to the children that the stones represent the walls of Jericho that were very high.

·         Older children or adults play these parts:

            Narrator. Summarize the story and help children remember what to say and do.

            Voice of God, Joshua

Younger children play these parts:

Priests. Two or more carry a big box as the Ark of the Covenant. Blow rolled up paper as trumpets. Israelites. March around the walls. People of Jericho. Laugh at the Israelites at first. Run away when the walls fall down.

Narrator                 Tell the first part of the story, Joshua 6:1-14. Then say,
“Hear what God tells Joshua.”

Voice of God           “Joshua! Tell the priests to march around Jericho every day
for seven days, carrying the Ark of the Covenant before them.
On the seventh day, blow the trumpets and the walls will fall down.”

Joshua                     Repeat the instructions that Voice of God spoke to Israelites.

Priests                     Carry the ark and blow the trumpets, walking around the city of Jericho.

Israelites                 Follow the priests around the city walls.

People of Jericho    (Some say) “Look. They keep circling our city.”
(Others say) “They will never get in!”
(Others say) “Our city walls are too strong for them to enter.”

Narrator                 Tell the second part of the story, from Joshua 6:15-20. Then say,
“Hear what Joshua tells the people.”

Joshua                     “When you hear the trumpet, shout with a great shout.
The wall of the city will fall down flat.
Then run straight ahead into the city.”

Priests and Israelites
Walk around the pile of stones seven times.
Count each time aloud.
The seventh time blow the trumpets, yell and knock over the walls

People of Jericho    Run away.
{One shouts)
, “The God of Israel pushed over our walls!”

3.      Children draw Jericho’s walls falling, or simply draw a pile of stones.

·         Let the children show their pictures to the adults during worship time, and to their parents at home.

·         Let the children explain that the drama illustrates how God uses both his power and our obedience to knock down the bad walls that Satan puts around us.

·         Children may like to copy or colour the picture found at the end of this lesson. Let older children help the younger.

4.      If the children dramatize this story for the adults, then let them also pose to the adults the queries listed under #1 above.

5.      Demonstrate the collapse of Jericho’s walls on the seventh day.

·         Build a wall of small stones or blocks.

·         Let an older child lead the rest as they all march around the wall seven times.
Count each time.

·         After the seventh time, let them all pretend to blow trumpets,
and then shout and knock over the wall.

·         You might have candy or some other prize hidden under the stones
for the children to find.

6.      Have the children or adults give other examples of how God uses our faithful obedience and courage to do great things with his power.

7.      Four children each recite a verse from Proverbs 3:5, 6, 11 and 12.

8.      Memorize together John 14:23.

“Jesus said, ‘If anyone loves me, he will keep my word; and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our dwelling with him’.”

9.      Let older children write poems, songs or dramas about doing challenging things for God.

10.  As an older child pray:

“Lord, we love you. That is why we want to learn what you want us to do, and we want to obey you sincerely, from our hearts. Bless our leaders, so that they can help us to understand Your Word and obey it more and more each day.”

A more detailed drama: Joshua captures Jericho and takes the Promised Land, 5 minutes:


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