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Section 06: OVERSEEING AND PLANNING, Foundation Level 1b

06 1b: Detect, develop believers' spiritual gifts

Help your people to know what God has gifted them to do, and to do it.

Find in Ephesians 4:11-16 guidelines for harmonizing different ministries for the edification of the church body.

Find in 1 Corinthians chapters 12 - 13 one reason why a church is called a body.


DES Video tapes:

Discerning the leader's identity: PT538V Studies in Leadership, sessions 2-5

Discerning the practical limitations of a leader's interpersonal relationships: PT538V Studies in Leadership, sessions 13


Train &Multiply, page 35a

2(Optional Documents, to view, download or translate, for additional help)

Download document Spiritual Gifts & Bible Characters.

For a review of major spiritual gifts: 19 Gifts of the Spirit, Leslie Flynn

For help in thinking though one's gifts: Combination Profile by Uniquely You (DISC and Spiritual Gifts Inventories)

Enable workers to assess each other's gifts and strengths.

For help: Research

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