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Section 06: OVERSEEING AND PLANNING, Advanced Level 3c

06 3c: Develop people skills; avoid conflict by positive ministry involvement

Practice not only getting along with people, but also making them feel good about themselves and their work for the Lord.

*Find in Genesis 21:22-34, what Abraham and, later, Isaac, did with Abimelech, to live together in peace.

*Find in the book of 1 Samuel:

*Find in 2 Kings good and bad examples of leadership for God's people.


For video courses that you can take at home, contact Jon Raibley at Western Seminary's Center for Lifelong Learning. Ask about courses related to developing people skills, for leaders. Call (503) 517 1899, or e-mail or view courses offered on On the home page click on Enter, then Academic Programs, then Distance Education, then Course Listings.

Terminating staff without causing resentment: Leadership Handbooks of Practical Theology, edited by James Berkeley, Volume 3: session 21

If you work cross-culturally, then you must learn what are the standards by which local people judge and compare persons and things.

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