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Section 08: SERVING THE NEEDY, Foundation Level 1a

08 1a: Develop sensitivity to needs, meet them in love

Find those among your people who have the spiritual gifts of helps, compassion or giving.

*Find in Luke 4:17-19 a major purpose of Jesus' coming to earth.

*Find in Matthew 9:9-13 a basic principle for Christian ministries of mercy.

*Find in Luke 10:25-37 the importance for our Lord Jesus Christ of the 'Great Commandment' to love our neighbor as ourselves, and basic guidelines for mercy ministry.

*Find in Acts 9:36-43 why Peter visited Dorcas.

*Find in 1 Samuel 9:1-13 what David did for Saul's lame son, and why.

Find in James 1:27 the essence of pure religion.


* Stories (better, for letting the Word flow from friend to friend)


T&M Student Activity Guide page 15a

For developing a Christian perspective for social responsibility, Leadership Handbooks of Practical Theology, 1992, Editor, James D. Berkley, Volume 2, Section 11

Determine the best way to organize to deal with the needy.

For help: Research

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