Reproducing Churches--the Quickest Way to Win Many People to Christ

Jesus compares your church's God-given power to grow and reproduce to that of plants, Mark 4.


A. Let us Acknowledge that Church Reproduction Is Normal

B. God Makes His Kingdom on Earth Grow by Both Addition and Multiplication

C. Keep Church Planting Simple!

D. Pray and Plan with Coworkers to Multiply

E. Keep Records and Review Progress

F. Let New Church Planters Practice in the Mother Church the Skills They Will Need

G. Recognize and Replace Traditions that Stifle Church Reproduction


 01A. Let us Acknowledge that Church Reproduction Is Normal

Cited from Church Multiplication Guide, Patterson and Scoggins, William Carey Library, Pasadena, chapter 1.

The purpose of this chapter is to clear away hindrances and let your church--or the church of those you train--to reproduce in the normal way, for these reasons:

May God strengthen your vision and resolve to help your church--or the church of those you train--to multiply locally and in neglected fields.

Now, let us introduce to you a person from whom you will hear many times in the future— Mr. 'Traditionalist'. He is fictitious but you will meet people like him often. He clings to old, man-made traditions. If he were standing nearby now listening to us talk about church reproduction, you would hear him scoff…

"What? Our congregation should start new churches? You’re dreaming! That would bring about too many changes in our church routine and upset the smooth course we’ve been following for so long!"

But another voice interrupts him. Mr. 'Foresight' loves to follow God’s Word. He answers Mr. Traditionalist…

"Please don’t tie us down with your old traditions! We have people in our congregation who have the apostolic gift. They are our ‘sent ones’ with itchy feet. God gave them to us to carry our church’s spiritual DNA to reproduce it elsewhere! Don’t clip their wings!"

Mr. 'Traditionalist' continues arguing, "But it’s our job—our whole job—simply to teach God’s Word. If God wants new churches to be born elsewhere, He is all-powerful and will do it without our help!"

Mr. 'Foresight' responds, "You just stated a serious error that many Christians embrace. They use God’s Word only as the content of their preaching or teaching. They fail to use the New Testament as the norm for where to send our workers, how to evangelize, how to organize churches so that all believers use their gifts in some ministry, and how to train leaders. As a result, many clear New Testament activities that are vital for church or cell reproduction have been replaced by some spiritual-sounding tradition that stifles it."

"Tradition?" Mr. 'Traditionalist' exclaims, " In our churches? Impossible! Only Roman Catholic churches have traditions!"

"No," Mr. 'Foresight' clarifies, "All churches have traditions. The difference is that the Catholics admit it! We’re human, too. A tradition normally begins for worthy and godly reasons. But in time, the need passes or a good thing is taken to excess. The tradition evolves into a gentle sacred cow. Then, as history shows, the cow becomes fertile and breeds a large herd with angry, bellowing bulls! The sacred cows now start to gore God’s prophets who call His people back to New Testament norms! They trample biblical guidelines for normal church body life! But when we recognize the brutes for what they are, it's rather fun to slay the sacred cows!"

Mr. 'Traditionalist' argues, "A church planting movement would require that we spend huge amounts of money to help churches or cells multiply. That multiplication happens only in other cultures, under rare conditions."

Mr. 'Foresight' replies wisely, "Not so, friend. Let's uncover a truth about church reproduction that Satan tries to hide. It costs less money and effort to start the kind of church that multiplies, than it does to start a more traditional, sterile church! People who do not know church history argue that to multiply churches we must have a lot of money, higher education, big organization, highly experienced leaders, and many costly buildings. But observation of many church planting movements, in the past and also today, show that this is not so. Let us replace this fear with fact. In general, churches multiply more readily where money and other things men associate with power are lacking."'

Churches that' reproduce rapidly in daughter and granddaughter churches do so through the power that God gives them, and do not rely on money. Those who do most of the work seldom have academic degrees. Church multiplication requires no institutions apart from the churches. It does not depend on powerful leaders. Ordinary people can do God’s work when they simply obey Jesus' commands in love and are enabled by the Spirit of God.

There are many examples of spontaneous church multiplication-- church planting movements--happening among people of all major culture groups. It happens by God’s power wherever we find good soil for church growth. What is good soil? For genuine church growth— that is, growth through conversion— good soil is bad people! Where sin abounds, grace abounds even more (Romans 5:20). Church multiplication is happening, to some degree, within every major religion and cultural category, although some people groups within them are still highly resistant.

Please take a moment now to think and pray about how you will plan with your coworkers to help your people see that church multiplication--or a church planting movement--is normal in God's view.

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01B. God Makes His Kingdom on Earth Grow by Both Addition and Multiplication

Cited from Church Multiplication Guide, Patterson and Scoggins, William Carey Library, Pasadena, chapter 1.

We see church growth by both addition and multiplication in the book of Acts:

Today also, a healthy church multiplies because:


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01C. Keep Church Planting Simple!

Cited from Church Multiplication Guide, Patterson and Scoggins, William Carey Library, Pasadena, chapter 1.

Lord, help us to discern between those things that are merely helpful and those that are essential!

Many traditions, especially Westerner ones, can hinder church multiplication:

Lord, help us to discern what is truly important in your sight, to multiply churches among our people.

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01D. Pray and Plan with Coworkers to Multiply

Cited from Church Multiplication Guide, Patterson and Scoggins, William Carey Library, Pasadena, chapter 1.

Picture how churches often grow, from this example of Kim:

First, Kim puts his faith in Jesus.

Then, with prayer support, he wins his parents.

Next, Kim’s parents win his brothers and sisters.

Then Kim’s brothers and sisters win their friends.

Soon these friends quickly win their family members.

Within a few weeks these family members win friends in other places.

From then on, those friends form new churches, and Jesus’ work spreads.

Such natural flow of the gospel happens when certain conditions are in place. Some of these conditions are beyond our control; they are in God's hands alone. Other conditions are within our reach; they are the things that God has revealed in His Word for us to do. We must do what we can do and must leave to God his supernatural work. Among the things that we can do are to pray and to work closely together with others. Neither Jesus nor His apostles worked alone.

As you learn the New Testament principles presented in this Guide, please, share them with your coworkers, then pray and plan together. Plan activities that your coworkers and their churches will do, not merely what you personally will do. Prepare them to think seriously about church or cell multiplication. This Guide is designed for you and your coworkers to help you to apply principles to your ministries.

 Please take a moment now to pray and think about how you will plan church multiplication with your coworkers.

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01E. Keep Records and Review Progress

Cited from Church Multiplication Guide, Patterson and Scoggins, William Carey Library, Pasadena, chapter 1.

Plan for church reproduction and chart your churches’ progress. Know which of your churches or cells grow and reproduce, and notice what they do. Know which churches or cells fail to grow and reproduce, and find out why not.

Churches reproduce if their leaders make plans that are easy to explain and to implement:

Lord, give us courage to examine our church's traditions and compare them carefully with the corresponding activities in your Word.

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01F. Let New Church Planters Practice in the Mother Church the Skills They Will Need

Cited from Church Multiplication Guide, Patterson and Scoggins, William Carey Library, Pasadena, chapter 1.

Leaders acquire more church planting skills by working as a body with others, than from lectures or books—including this book. They cannot learn these skills in a classroom where you use only the gift of teaching. They will best acquire skills within an obedient congregation. If you hope to be an exception, prepare for failure, for you might as well try to learn high diving in the same classroom.

You might find it helpful to train leaders to work another culture in a temporary training church:

Cross-cultural church planters need "stretching". God stretched Peter in Acts 10 by telling him to eat unclean food. This prepared him to spend several days eating food not allowed by Jewish law while in Cornelius’ gentile home. Let the temporary training church stretch you and your apprentice missionaries. The strain of doing so will reveal tensions that everyone faces when adapting to another culture. Make your mistakes now where they will not do permanent damage!

Church planters who go to a different culture need to practice the Essential Elements of Worship:

These are dealt with in detail in Chapter 07.

Church planters need to know what these essential elements are, in order not to confuse them with external worship forms that have evolved in their own culture. They will learn to discern them in a temporary training church as they adapt worship to a small group without electronic sound, skilled musicians or a large sanctuary.

The value of church-centered training will become more apparent as you work with a training church. You will not only learn the skills for church reproduction but will also experience the kind of church life that sustains normal reproduction.

Lord, help us to take this training seriously, and have the courage to introduce new ways of learning.

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01G. Recognize and Replace Traditions that Stifle Church Reproduction

Cited from Church Multiplication Guide, Patterson and Scoggins, William Carey Library, Pasadena, chapter 1.

Most traditions are good. We must recognize those that are bad. As you read this Guide, please examine prayerfully your church’s traditions. You will probably find that some of them hinder what Jesus and His apostles require you to do. Those bad traditions may include the following church practices:

Please ask God's help now for you and your coworkers, to courageously change any practice that is not His first preference.

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