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Evangelism and Basic Discipling, Foundation Level 1a01
-1a: Master New Testament methods of evangelism before trying sophisticated ones [Task Options]
Show your people how to relate the historical event--the very gospel proclamation of Jesus' death and resurrection, and call those to whom they witness to repentance and faith.
As soon as you baptize new believers, teach them to obey the other commands of Jesus:
Basic Commands of Christ. Jesus ordered many things but we can group them under seven basic commands. In Acts 2 we see the 3,000 converts of the first New Testament church obeying all of them in their basic form. The only one that is not explicitly mentioned by name is love but it is evident in their fellowship. Jesus’ commands are the foundation upon which we build all teaching and ministry. The other New Testament commands also are built on them.
The commands and their corresponding duties are like links in a chain. A church is no stronger than its weakest link; we must develop obedience to all of the commands.
An Asian tribe compares Jesus’ commands to an oxcart wheel. He is the hub; His commands are spokes. If we neglect a command the spoke weakens. Our church gets a bumpy ride or stops.
We also obey Jesus when we observe His apostles’ commands. They wrote with His inspired authority. The commands in their letters, however, are not basic in the same way--they are not the foundation or 'basement floor' of the building. They belong to the second story and on up, along with all other biblical doctrine; we will spend all eternity learning more about God. They are for leaders and believers already baptized and under a church's care.
Obedience is a massive doctrine in Scripture. Nothing is more basic to our faith and ministry:
[Scripture Study Options]
Find in Matthew 28: 18-20 the basic curriculum content and purpose for the foundation for disciple making.
Find in Acts 2: 37-47 how the first converts in Jerusalem carried out the commandments of Jesus from the very beginning.Find in John 13: 34-35 a characteristic of a true disciple of Christ.
Find in Luke 9:23 the measure of dedication Jesus requires of a disciple.
Find in Mark 3:13-18 how Jesus chose the twelve, and some purposes for mentoring.*
Find in Acts 20:17-38, especially in v. 32, Paul's attitude toward the coworkers he mentored.Find in Titus 1:5-9 guidelines for selecting those to mentor as serious shepherding elders.
Find in 2 Timothy 2:1-2 two or three principles vital for a mentoring chain reaction.
Find in Acts 18:24-28 an example of discipling a leader behind the scenes. How might you apply this to mentoring three or four leaders at once?*
Find in 2 Chronicles 17:7-9 an example in ancient Judah of Theological Education by Extension (non-institutional teaching, taking it to the people rather than them coming to a campus).__________________
Stories (better, for letting the Word flow from friend to friend)2
(Optional Documents to view, download or translate, for additional information)A. Urge People to Repent, Believe and Receive the Holy Spirit
B. Require What Jesus Said for Salvation, to Repent and Believe
A. Why We Aim First for Childlike Obedience to Jesus
B. Know and Obey Jesus’ Commands before All Else
C. Help New Believers to Obey Jesus Without Delay
D. Measure Growth in Christ as He Did, By Loving Obedience
E. Consider Man-made Church Policies to be Temporary
F. Discern Three Levels of New Testament Authority for what Your Church Does
[Books and Reading Options]
To consider evangelism from the viewpoint of a pre-Christian (seeker), see chapter 10, Church Multiplication Guide by Patterson and Scoggins, William Carey Library, Pasadena, 2002. You can get it through or your Christian bookstore.
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This page updated Jan. 28, 2003