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Section 01: Evangelism and Basic Discipling, Foundation Level, 1d

01 1d: Confirm repentance by baptizing without undue delay

All of us are to "do the work of an evangelist"--2 Tim. 4:5. This work is completed with a convert when he/she is baptized. The apostles did not count converts until they were added to a church by baptism (Acts 2:41).

*Find in Genesis chapters 5 - 9:

*Find in Genesis 6:9-14; 7:1-24; 8:15-22 how God saved some people, who and what were in the boat.

Find in 1 Peter 3:20-22 how being baptized (by the Holy Spirit) into the eternal risen Body of Christ is compared to the salvation of Noah's family in the ark.

*Find in Acts 16:19-34 who was baptized, when, and why.

Find in Romans 5:12 through 6:14, how baptism in Jesus leaves us changed and confirms the beginning of our transformation and permanent repentance.

*Find in Exodus chapters 14 - 15 what God did to save His people from Pharaoh, the angry king, and their slavery.


* Stories (better, for letting the Word flow from friend to friend)

2(Optional Documents, to view, download or translate, for additional help)

A. Baptize New Believers in Obedience to Jesus
B. Baptize for the Reason Christ Intended
C. Confirm Salvation with Baptism without Excessive Delay
D. Assure Newly Baptized Believers of Jesus’ Presence and the Indwelling Holy Spirit



Baptizing New Believers, Book 1, Activity A4

For a comprehensive examination of what the Bible teaches about the purpose of baptism, see Church Multiplication Guide, Patterson and Scoggins, Chapter 4.

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This page updated 29 Jan 03