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Section 02: FELLOWSHIP, Foundation Level 1a

02-1a: Core Unit - Practice love and forgiveness with family, friends and church

Deal with individuals who need to cultivate love and forgive. Help your people to analyze problem areas among family members and friends, and make plans to bring God's grace to them. This may be done more effectively in home groups.

Find in Paul's letter to Philemon, guidelines for exercising forgiveness.

Find in Romans 12 more guidelines for cultivating fellowship.

Find in 1 Corinthians 6:7 a simple rule for our attitude toward 'getting even.'

Find in Ephesians 4:31-32 more guidelines for forgiving.

*Find in the book of Ruth at least three examples of people going out of their way to cultivate good relationships.


* Stories (better, for letting the Word flow from friend to friend)

If you work cross-culturally, find out what are the cultural ways of asking for and receiving forgiveness and effecting reconciliation.

For help: Research.

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