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Section 02: FELLOWSHIP, Pastoral Level 2a

02 2a: Cultivate love in the entire church body; replace legalism with God's grace

Lead the church and/or home group to define what they are and what they do, in terms of an active, loving body.

*Find in Matthew 20:1-16 the duty of older members of the church with newer ones.

Find in 1 Corinthians chapters 12 and 13 several guidelines for cultivating love in the church.

Find in the letter to the Philippians several guidelines for cultivating love.


* Stories (better, for letting the Word flow from friend to friend)


T&M Student Activity Guide page 30b

For a classic, historical study of how God used Martin Luther to bring grace back into His church during the Protestant Reformation, read an accurate biography of Martin Luther, such as Here I Stand, Roland Bainton.

To counter legalism, Grace Awakening, Chuck Swindoll. Also, Transforming Grace, by Bridges.

For being a caring church, sensitive to needs of members, Community of the Spirit, by Kraus.

In Bible classes and small groups, ask the question, "what are some things Christians do that offend God?"

For help: Research

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