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FOREIGN MISSIONS, Foundation Level 1c
03 1c: Teach and practice Jesus' command to disciple all nations, investigate mission agencies.
Implement key activities with your church or home group, for mission outreach:
- Pray for, and develop awareness of, the neglected people and their plight (apart from being eternally lost, most of them are desperately poor, with a high mortality rate and no hope).
- Select (adopt) an neglected people group.
- Pray for, and discern, the workers who will go. Discern those who have missionary (apostolic or 'sent one') gifting. Network with other churches to form a team with good spiritual gift balance.
- Form a mission action team. Unlike traditional missions committees that often involve only a few "mission minded" people to do all the work, this team includes--or works closely with--people from every branch, category or group within the church. This assures more involvement by the whole church body: participation in these key activities by adults, children, young people, worship team, teachers and all ministry leaders.
- Include people from other nations on the team, if practical, who are culturally close, especially for the initial evangelism. Cooperate with mission agencies, to do this.
- Enlist businessmen or other bi-vocational workers for the team if working in a field where regular missionaries are outlawed.
Arrange for workers to get proper training for, and carry out:
- incarnational evangelism,
- small group worship,
- culture adaptation (use of typical music and other culturally relevant creative art forms),
- (for fields of restricted access) the skill of discipling leaders behind the scenes,
- church multiplication (forming clusters of house churches in restricted areas),
- integration of community development (mercy) ministries with church planting , where poverty or other acute human suffering requires a holistic approach,
- any other ministries needed for starting, developing churches in their field.
Send the workers as the Antioch church did, in Acts 13:1-3:
- Cooperate with a mission agency that shares the same vision and, if working in a restricted area, knows how to deploy real bivocational workers.
- Commission the workers, send them and hold them accountable to their God-given objectives.
- Communicate with the workers regularly (use safe addresses for those in hostile fields),
- When home on furlough, make things easy for the workers, who require rest, assurance and help with a host of little, time-consuming chores related to family and field needs.
Find in Matthew 28:18-20 the basic mandate for all these activities, and exactly how to initiate all discipling (the foundational curriculum according to our Lord Jesus Christ).
Find in Acts 13:1-3 guidelines for commissioning a team for foreign outreach.
Find in Acts 14:24-28 how the apostles Paul and Barnabas maintained a good relationship with their sending church (by that time many 'sent ones' besides the original 12 were being called apostles).
Stories (better, for letting the Word flow from friend to friend)
For mentoring to prepare missionaries, for seminary credit or certificate, contact Dr. Galen Currah and ask about the course Mentoring for Ministry, DIS538. Call (503) 517 1912 or e-mail
For video courses that you can take at home, contact Jon Raibley at Western Seminary's Center for Lifelong Learning. Ask about courses related to missions. Call (503) 517 1899, or e-mail or view courses offered on On the home page click on Enter, then Academic Programs, then Distance Education, then Course Listings.
For a list of North American mission agencies: Mission Handbook, Wilson & Siewert.
Find available training specialists who have the experience to help groups multiply in other cultures.
- In the Northwest USA contact
Western Seminary.
Who among your small group members have had cross-cultural experiences and training?
Find out from the US Center (telephone 818 797-1111) who presents in your area the course "Perspectives on the World Christian Movement."
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