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Section 03: FOREIGN MISSIONS, Advanced Level 3a

03 3a: Start a movement of indigenous (culturally relevant) church multiplication

Make plans to use the God-given power that God has given your church to reproduce, to start daughter and granddaughter churches, etc. Help the missionaries to be spiritual

*Find in 2 Corinthians 12:15 the sense in which missionaries are to consider themselves as expendable--willing to serve as temporary scaffolding only--for the sake of the new churches.

*Find in Mark 4 illustrations of the church's God-given power to grow and reproduce.

Find in Deuteronomy 1:1-8 guidelines for extending and coordinating new ministries and outreach.


* Stories (better, for letting the Word flow from friend to friend)

2(Optional Documents, to view, download or translate, for additional help)

A. Oversee God's Work in a Large Area the Way Christ Says
B. Help Those with Apostolic Gifting to Choose Their Field Wisely
C. Evangelize Victims of Brutal Class Discrimination in Resistant Fields
D. Help Task Group Members from Another Culture to Bond with the People and their Culture
E. Help Task Groups to Make New Disciples the Way Jesus Commanded
F. Train New Leaders the Way Jesus and His Apostles Modeled it
G. Make Realistic Plans to Help Believers Do Effective Ministry
H. Use Time Wisely as You Serve in Ministry
I . Organize to Reproduce Congregations

(Optional reading)

Interview one or more persons who have worked among a people group that has experienced multiplication of believers' groups.

For research methods, see: Research.

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