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Section 04:
MARRIAGE AND FAMILY, Foundation Level 1a
(For counseling for severe family problems, see Section 10.)
04 1a: Develop loving, secure marriage and family life
- Work doubly hard on maintaining a loving, secure family, because it is currently being bombarded by hell's heaviest artillery.
Teach family values in all groups and classes.
In Western society the family, as the basic unit, is rapidly deteriorating.
Family loyalty is being replaced by unhealthy emphases on individual rights, feminism, gay rights, consistent segregation of youth by age (even in the church) and other "isms" that cause macro-misery.
Provide marital and premarital counseling as a regular ministry (for help with counseling techniques and lay counseling methods, see Section 10).
Find in Luke 18:15-17 and Ephesians 6:4 how we should train our own children.
Find in the book of John stories of Jesus, to tell to our families. Nearly every chapter has stories that are excellent for children.
Find in John 2:1-12 what Jesus was celebrating when He did His first miracle.
What does this tell us about God's view of marriage?
Find in Joshua 24:15 and Job 1:5 how Joshua and Job showed concern for their children. *Find in 1 Samuel 1:1-28 Ana's prayer and how God answered it.
Find in 1 Samuel 3:1-20 how God called Samuel to serve Him.
Find in 1 Samuel 17:1-58 how God used the boy David to save Israel from the Philistines.
Stories (better, for letting the Word flow from friend to friend)
Begin listening for information on the marital history of each adult in your group, who seek you our for counsel or seek help for their emotional life from your Bible teaching, not to pry but to discover how to serve them.
- Much of it will emerge during pastoral visits and counseling.
- This information should not be kept in files accessible by others.
- Disclosures about this subject may be public knowledge elsewhere though not locally.
- The purpose of such learning is to increase your own understanding of the hurtful past of believers.
- The real marital patterns also reveal the pressures and temptations that every one lives under. If you work cross- culturally, you may find that spouses do not always live together, there may be sub-wives involved, or a man's brothers may have certain rights towards his wife.
- In some cultures, children normally arrive before the last of several marriage ceremonies.
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