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Section 05: NEW CHURCHES AND HOME GROUPS, Foundation Level 1a

05 1a: Start daughter churches, reproductive home groups (cells)

Multiply reproductive discipling communities (new churches or home groups).

Do not build on ideas for programs, starting new groups or programs because of an ideology or plan. Let them grow around the leaders that God gives you.

Find in Matthew 28:18-20 what Jesus says we are to teach His new disciples do. (Let this be the foundation for any new church or home group you start, as it was in Acts 2:37-47).

Find in Acts 2:46 and 5:42 examples of home groups.

*Find in Acts 10 and 11:1-18 several principles for starting a new church. Look for:

the place of prayer,
adaptation to another culture,
a multi-church missionary team,
building on networks of family and friends,
the way Peter related the gospel narrative,
at what point the Holy Spirit converted the hearers,
the timing of their baptism,
evidence of ongoing follow-up,
the need to do new things for God in spite of critics (chapter 11).

*Find in Acts 16:19-40 several things that happened that helped give birth to the baby church in Philippi.


* Stories (better, for letting the Word flow from friend to friend)

2(Optional Documents, to view, download or translate, for additional help)

A. Let us Acknowledge that Church Reproduction Is Normal
B. God Makes His Kingdom on Earth Grow by Addition and Multiplication
C. Keep Church Planting Simple!
D. Pray and Plan with Coworkers to Multiply
E. Keep Records and Review Progress
F. Let Church Planters Practice in the Mother Church the Skills They Will Need

A. Let Your Church Be a Mother Church
B. Form Task Groups of Those who Have God’s Apostolic Gifting
C. Arrange for Bivocational Workers to Serve with Task Groups
D. Provide Unbiased Mission Career Counseling
E. Help Workers to Love and Esteem God’s Church
F. Pray for God’s Help to Grow by Multiplication as Well as by Addition
G. Give Missionary Trainees Practice in Effective Witnessing
H. Arrange for Activities That Will Help Your Church to Reproduce

(Optional Reading)

A must for home groups in the city: Home Groups for Urban Centers: Biblical Small Group Ministry on Five Continents, Mikel Neumann. If not yet in the book store, contact Dr. Neumann at Western Seminary, 5511 SE Hawthorne Blvd., Portland, OR 97215; (503) 233 8561. E-mail

For evaluating church life in the light of Scripture: The Measure of a Church, Gene Getz

Discover any existing small groups among your people, their purposes and activities.

For help: Research

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