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NEW CHURCHES AND HOME GROUPS, Foundation Level 1b05 1b: Cultivate loving church body life
Help those who shepherd to enable their people to identify each other's spiritual gifts and to work together in loving harmony in the spirit of 1 Corinthians chapters 12 and 13, and the "one another" passages of the New Testament..
Agree together as a new church or home group on what the group will be and do.
"We, the church of _________________, covenant together before God, to obey the commands of Jesus above and before all human rules. We also agree to love one another, forgive one another, confess our faults to one another, bear each other's burdens, and serve one another with the different spiritual gifts that the holy spirit has given to each of us."
Keep home groups small enough to practice these one another dynamics.
Use a concordance to find the "one another" or "each other" commands in the New Testament.
Find in John 13:34-35 the basis for the family life of the church, according to Jesus.
Find in 1 Corinthians chapters 12 - 13 several things that God does to create true church "body" life. Also find several things that we do.
For mentoring to develop skills related to multiplying small groups, for seminary credit or certificate, contact Dr. Galen Currah and ask about the course Mentoring for Ministry, DIS538. Call (503) 517 1912 or e-mail
(T&M)T&M Student Activity Guide, page 23
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The One Another Passages.Who are the actual and potential small group leaders?
Institute some means of record keeping for small groups: attendance, kinds of persons, challenges and opportunities that arise.
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