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Section 07: PRAYER AND SPIRITUAL WARFARE, Foundation Level 1b

07 1b: Overcome temptations, problems, and bad habits with prayer

Help your people to live in the Spirit, not the flesh, and to 'crucify' their old desires.

Find in Galatians 5:16-26 what it means to live according to the Spirit, and according to the flesh.

Find in Galatians 5:24-25 what we are to do, through prayer and exercise of our will yielded to God.

*Find in Matthew 26:36-46 the kind of prayer we make, to overcome bad habits.

*Find in Genesis 3:6-12 how Adam responded to temptation.

*Find in Matthew 4:1-11 how Jesus responded to temptation.

*Find in Matthew 26:36-46 the difference between Adam and Jesus in their response to their greatest test.

*Find in Luke 18:1-8 how the widow triumphed with her pleas.

*Find in Genesis 4 what was sacrificed for a man's sin, why Cain became angry.

*Find in Joshua 10 an example of obedience when Joshua conquered the idolaters (in which there was no compromise with idolatry). Today we attack idolatry with a different kind of sword: explain it.


* Stories (better, for letting the Word flow from friend to friend)


T&M Student Activity Guide pages 11a, 11b

Learn from your informants and from professional literature the kinds of addictions and destructive behaviors that exist in your ministry population.

For help: Research

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