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Section 08:
SERVING THE NEEDY, Pastoral Level 2a
08 2a: Organize deacons and deaconesses to serve those in need
Find those who have the spiritual gifts of service, helps and mercy.
- If they meet the requirements of Scripture for deacons (below), commission them to coordinate this ministry.
- Ask other members of the church also to cooperate.
Find in Acts 6:1-7 guidelines for naming deacons and for the kind of work they do.
- Why do you suppose that this work, although with material things, requires that one be filled with the Holy Spirit?
Find in 1 Timothy 3:8-13 more requirements for those who are named as deacons.
Stories (better, for letting the Word flow from friend to friend)
T&M Student Activity Guide page 34a
Find who have the spiritual gifts that correspond to serving the needy.
- In literate societies, you can ask members of small groups to fill in an inventory form about each other and then keep their forms on file.
- Some of the spiritual gift inventories make no distinction between those who are moved by feelings of pity, who tend to deal only with symptoms of deeper problems and cause unhealthy dependency, and those who follow well-reasoned strategies for problems at the root level.
- Small group leaders will know the spiritual gifts of those who have been in their groups for a few months.
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