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Section 09: SHEPHERDING THE FLOCK, Foundation Level 1a

(More personal and internal aspects of shepherding are dealt with in Section 10, "Spiritual Care.")

09 1a: Shepherding families, small groups and congregations

Help heads of families to shepherd their families.

At the larger congregational level, shepherding tends to take the form more of teaching and general pastoral care.

Find in 1 Peter 5:1-4 a brief sketch of how to shepherd others.

Find in 1 Corinthians chapters 12 - 13 guidelines for a Spirit filled "church within a church" whereby different gifts can be harmonized within a small body.

Find in Paul's three letters to Timothy and Titus guidelines for shepherding in general. List them.

*Find in Joshua 1 how Joshua was commissioned to lead God's army, and how he prepared the troops for battle.

Find in Exodus chapters 21 - 40 rules for nurturing the ancient nation of Israel.

*Find in Exodus 31:18 through 32:35 why God wanted to destroy the people and what Moses did to change God's mind.

*Find in the books of 1 and 2 Chronicles good and bad examples of Christian leadership.


* Stories (better, for letting the Word flow from friend to friend)

For a general, practical guide to pastoral work, use A Practical Guide to the Ministry, Robert Anderson.

For pastoral care and its different aspects, Leadership Handbooks of Practical Theology, 1992, Editor, James D. Berkley, Volume 2, Section 14

For chaplain ministries, see Part VII for:

Military Hospital

Police Prison

For pastoral discipling, Disciple-making Pastor, Bill Hull

2(Optional Documents, to view, download or translate, for additional help)

For an understanding in general of shepherding: DES Video course: INT 502 "the Pastoral Epistles"

Locate every family unit represented among your people, then identify who is the effective head of household and their marital status.

For help: Research

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