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Section 09: SHEPHERDING THE FLOCK, Foundation Level 1c

09 1c: Stand firm against doctrinal error

Teach the real truth--the whole Word of God--and your people will have little problem with error. Do not dwell on the false teachings of today's sects; dwell rather on the positive teaching of God's word.

Use the prophetic gift, which God has promised to your church (Ephesians 4:11-12) to call His people back to basic foundations of faith, purity and obedience. Do not dwell on the false teachings of the cults. Teach your people rather to discern the truth when they see or hear it.

Find in Ephesians 6:10-20 the basic disciplines of spiritual warfare.

Find in the books of 2 Peter, 2 & 3 John and Judas guidelines for avoiding doctrinal error.

*Find in 1 Samuel 11:1 through 12:23 David's twofold sin and his punishment.

*Find in 1 Samuel 16:1-13 how God chose David as a leader of His people and a principle that we apply to avoid error.


* Stories (better, for letting the Word flow from friend to friend)


DES Audio tape: Maintaining truth and purity of doctrine in the church: T515V Ecclesiology, session 30

For understanding and carrying out the prophetic role: IOT504 "the divided kingdom."

Also, BLV502 Old Testament Prophets


T&M Student Activity Guide page 25b

For guidelines to recognize the common ploys of false sects, read Mind Benders, Bill Sparks.

For firmness against error, No God But God, Os Guinness.

For examples from ancient church history of great men of God who have stood against error, read biographies of the early church fathers. Also read biographies of reformers: Luther, Calvin, Zwingli, Tyndale, Wycliffe, A summary of early church fathers who fought against doctrinal error, like Athanasius and Augustine, is found in Austin's History of Christianity, Section III, "The Overcomers."

In today's world, much doctrinal error has come about because of the introduction of rationalism into the churches and their theological institutions, which started in the 1600's and had reached its peak by the time of the American revolution. For an historical perspective on its cause and effects for the church, read church history of that era, like Austin's History of Christianity, Section IX, "the foolishness of god and the wisdom of men: faith and reason."

Learn from your visits and focus groups what are the current 'winds of doctrine' that your members encounter in their daily lives and in their schools.

For help: Research

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