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Section 09: SHEPHERDING THE FLOCK, Foundation Level 1d

09 1d: Obey all of Jesus' commands above and before all else

Lay a foundation of childlike, loving obedience to Jesus' basic commands, and build all other ministries and teaching on it. His commands are:

  1. Repent, believe and be filled with the Holy Spirit (conversion)
  2. Be baptized (and live the new life it initiates in Christ)
  3. Break bread (communion)
  4. Love God (above all else), neighbor (in a practical way) and enemy (forgive)
  5. Pray (in childlike faith)
  6. Give (sacrificially and joyfully)
  7. Make disciples (teach, witness, disciple, train leaders, reach the nations)

*Find in Matthew 7:24-29 evidence that building on the Rock (Jesus) is to be equated with obeying His commands.

Find in Matthew 28:18-20 all that new disciples of Jesus are to do.

*Find in Acts 2:37-47 instances where the first converts began at once to obey all of Jesus' commands.

*Find in Matthew 15:1-20 an example of placing tradition above the commands of God, and what Jesus thought of that.


* Stories (better, for letting the Word flow from friend to friend)

2(Optional Documents, to view, download or translate, for additional help)

A. Help Believers to Become Obedient Disciples
B. Teach New Followers of Christ to Be Doers of the Word
C. Help New Believers to Become Disciples Within a Loving Church Body
D. Relate the Word to Life and Ministry as Jesus and His Apostles Did
E. Make Disciples at All Levels of Maturity
F. Teach with Loving Authority
G. Integrate Church Planting With Pastoral Training
H. Help New believers to Teach Their Families


Give ministry leaders a work sheet on which they indicate how their ministry activities fulfill a command of Jesus or of his apostles.

For help: Research

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