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SHEPHERDING THE FLOCK, Pastoral Level 2c09 2c: Apprentices to home group leaders help shepherd the groups
As Jesus, Peter and Paul did, we also apprentice our own leader-level disciples on the job.
Find in Mark 3:13-19 reasons why Jesus named his first twelve main disciples.*
Find in the book of Matthew guidelines from Jesus' own example, for making disciples. Nearly every chapter has stories that are good for children.*
Consider the guideline in Matthew 25:14-30 for starting an apprentice leader out with a little responsibility, then adding more as he proves his faithfulness. Plan to do this with those you apprentice.Find in the letter to Titus what kind of people should serve as shepherds of home groups (described as "elders" in 1:5-9), and what they and their people should do.
Stories (better, for letting the Word flow from friend to friend)Ü
(T&M)T&M Student Activity Guide
page 27Identify current small group leaders and offer to mentor them using this menu.
If working cross-culturally, find out from your informants what are the cultural ideals and requirements of a group leader. These are often different from our expectations.
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